Markus Demleitner ADQL en /usr/local/share/copyright.html Here is a HTML rendition of the notes for a short course on ADQL and TAP.

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The queries and problems in the text are supposed to be run against the server ivo:// with the access URL (unless something else is specified). <!--l. 22--><p class="noindent" >Gaia Data Queries with ADQL

Markus Demleitner (
Hendrik Heinl (


  • Why bother?
  • A first query
  • ADQL
  • The finer points of TAP

T(able) A(ccess) P(rotocol)

A(stronomical) D(ata) Q(uery) L(anguage)

Open a browser on <!--l. 56--><p class="noindent" >Data Intensive Science Data-intensive science means:

  1. Using many data collections

  2. Using large data collections

Point (1) requires standard formats and access protocols to the data, point (2) means moving the data to your box and operating on it with FORTRAN and grep becomes infeasible.

The Virtual Observatory (VO) in general is about solving problem (1), TAP/ADQL in particular about (2). <!--l. 77--><p class="noindent" >A First Query To follow the examples, start TOPCAT and select TAP in the VO menu.

In TAP URL: at the bottom of the window, enter and click ”Use Service”.

At the bottom of the form, at Mode: check “Synchronous” and enter

SELECT TOP 1 1+1 AS result FROM gaiadr1.tgas_source

in the text box, then click “Ok”. This should give you a table with a single 2 in it. If that hasn’t worked complain.Copying and Pasting from is legal.

Note that in the top part of the dialog there’s metadata on the tables exposed by the service (in particular, the names of the tables and the descriptions, units, etc., of the columns). Use that when you construct queries later. <!--l. 130--><p class="noindent" >Why SQL? The SELECT statement is written in ADQL, a dialect of SQL (”sequel”). Such queries make up quite a bit of the science within the VO.

SQL has been chosen as a base because

  • Solid theory behind it (relational algebra)

  • Lots of high-quality engines available
  • Not Turing-complete, i.e., automated reasoning on ”programs” is not very hard
<!--l. 148--><p class="noindent" >Relational Algebra At the basis of relational data bases is the relational algebra, an algebra on sets of tuples (“relations”) defining six operators:
  • unary select – select tuples matching to some condition
  • unary project – make a set of sub-tuples of all tuples (i.e., have less columns)
  • unary rename – change the name of a relation (this is a rather technical operation)
  • binary cartesian product – the usual cartesian product, except that the tuples are concatenated rather than just put into a pair; this, of course, is not usually actually computed but rather used as a formal step.
  • binary union – simple union of sets. This is only defined for ”compatible” relations; the technical points don’t matter here
  • binary set difference as for union; you could have used intersection and complementing as well, but complementing is harder to specify in the context of relational algebra

Good News: You don’t need to know any of this. But it’s reassuring to know that there’s a solid theory behind all of this. <!--l. 182--><p class="noindent" >SELECT for real ADQL defines just one statement, the SELECT statement, which lets you write down expressions of relational algebra. Roughly, it looks like this:

SELECT [TOP setLimit] selectList FROM fromClause [WHERE conditions] [GROUP BY columns] [ORDER BY columns]

In reality, there are yet a few more things you can write, but what’s shown covers most things you’ll want to do. The real magic is in selectList, fromClause (in particular), and conditions.


setLimit: just an integer giving how many rows you want returned.

SELECT TOP 5 * FROM gaiadr1.tgas_source

SELECT TOP 10 * FROM gaiadr1.tgas_source

<!--l. 215--><p class="noindent" >SELECT: ORDER BY

ORDER BY takes columns: a list of column names (or expressions), and you can add ASC (the default) or DESC (descending order):

SELECT TOP 5 source_id, parallax

FROM gaiadr1.tgas_source

ORDER BY parallax

SELECT TOP 5 source_id, parallax

FROM gaiadr1.tgas_source

ORDER BY parallax DESC

SELECT TOP 5 source_id, phot_g_mean_mag , parallax

FROM gaiadr1.tgas_source

ORDER BY phot_g_mean_mag, parallax

Note that ordering is outside of the relational model. That sometimes matters because it may mess up query planning (a rearrangement of relational expressions done by the database engine to make them run faster)

1Select the source id and visual magnitude of the 20 brightest stars in the table tgas_source.


source_id, phot_g_mean_mag

FROM gaiadr1.tgas_source

ORDER BY phot_g_mean_mag

<!--l. 267--><p class="noindent" >SELECT: what? The select list has column names or expressions involving columns.

SQL expressions are not very different from those of other programming languages.



  SQRT(POWER(pmdec_error,2)+POWER(pmra_error,2)) AS pm_errTot

FROM gaiadr1.tgas_source

The value literals are as usual:

  • Only decimal integers are supported (no hex or such)
  • Floating point values are written like 4.5e-8
  • Strings use single quotes (’abc’). Double quotes mean something completely different for ADQL (they are ” delimited identifiers“).

The usual arithmetic, comparison, and logical operators work as expected:

  • +, -, *, /; as in C, there is no power operator in ADQL. Use the POWER function instead.

  • = (not ==), <, >, <=, >=
  • AND, OR, NOT
  • String concatenation is done using the || operator. Strings also support LIKE that supports patterns. % is “zero or more arbitrary characters”, _ “exactly one arbitrary character” (like * and ? in shell patterns).

Here’s a list of ADQL functions:

  • Trigonometric functions, arguments/results in rad: ACOS, ASIN, ATAN, ATAN2, COS, SIN, TAN; atan2(y,x) returns the inverse tangent in the right quadrant and thus avoids the degeneracy of atan(y∕x).

  • Exponentiation and logarithms: EXP, LOG (natural logarithm), LOG10
  • Truncating and rounding: FLOOR(x) (largest integer smaller than x), CEILING(x) (smallest integer larger than x), ROUND(x) (commercial rounding to the next integer), ROUND(x, n) (like the one-argument round, but round to n decimal places), TRUNCATE(x), TRUNCATE(x,n) (like ROUND, but just discard unwanted digits).
  • Angle conversion: DEGREES(rads), RADIANS(degs) (turn radians to degrees and vice versa)
  • Random numbers: RAND() (return a random number between 0 and 1), RAND(seed) (as without arguments, but seed the the random number generator with an integer)
  • Operator-like functions: MOD(x,y) (the remainder of x∕y, i.e., x%y in C), POWER(x,y)
  • Power shortcuts: SQRT(x) (shortcut for POWER(x, 0.5)), SQUARE(x) (shortcut for POWER(x, 2))
  • Misc: ABS(x) (absolute value), PI()

Note that all names in SQL (column names, table names, etc) are case-insensitive (i.e., VAR and var denote the same thing). You can force case-sensitivity (and use SQL reserved words as identifiers) by putting the identifiers in double quotes (that’s called delimited identifiers). Don’t do that if you can help it, since the full rules for how delimited identifiers interact with normal ones are difficult and confusing.

Also note how I used AS to rename a column. You can use the names assigned in this way in, e.g., ORDER BY:



  SQRT(POWER(pmdec_error,2)+POWER(pmra_error,2)) AS pm_errTot

FROM gaiadr1.tgas_source

ORDER BY pm_errTot

To select all columns, use *

SELECT TOP 10 * FROM gaiadr1.tgas_source

Use COUNT(*) to figure out how many items there are.

SELECT count(*) AS numEntries

FROM gaiadr1.tgas_source

COUNT is what’s called an aggregate function in SQL: A function taking a set of values and returning a single value. The other aggregate functions in ADQL are (all these take an expression as argument; count is special with its asterisk):

  • MAX, MIN

  • SUM
  • AVG (arithmetic mean)

1Select the source id, position, proper motion in arcsec/yr and mag g for the 20 fastest stars in tgas_source.


source_id, ra, dec,

SQRT(POWER(pmra,2)+POWER(pmdec,2))/1000 AS pmtot,


FROM gaiadr1.tgas_source


<!--l. 403--><p class="noindent" >SELECT: WHERE clause

Behind the WHERE is a logical expression; these are similar to other languages as well, with operators AND, OR, and NOT.

SELECT source_id, ra, dec

  FROM gaiadr1.tgas_source


  phot_g_mean_flux > 13

  AND parallax < 0.2

1Select the absolute magnitude, position and the source id for the 20 stars with the largest observed apparent magnitude in the g band from the table tgas_source (in case you don’t remember: The absolute magnitude is M = 5 + 5log π + m with the parallax in arcsec π and the apparent magnitude m (check the units!). This will fail. Try to fix it. The right solution would look like:
SELECT TOP 20 source_id, ra, dec, phot_g_mean_mag,

5+5*log10(parallax/1000)+phot_g_mean_mag as absmag

FROM gaiadr1.tgas_source

WHERE parallax > 1

ORDER BY phot_g_mean_mag DESC

Notice, that the WHERE clause is necessary because the log of a negativ number must fail.
<!--l. 463--><p class="noindent" >SELECT: Grouping For histogram-like functionality, you can compute factor sets, i.e., subsets that have identical values for one or more columns, and you can compute aggregate functions for them.

  ROUND(phot_g_mean_mag) AS bin,

  AVG(parallax) AS parallax_mean

FROM gaiadr1.tgas_source



Note how the aggregate functions interact with grouping (they compute values for each group).

Also note the renaming using AS. You can do that for columns (so your expressions are more compact) as well as for tables (this becomes handy with joins).

For simple GROUP applications, you can shortcut using DISTINCT (which basically computes the “domain”).


ROUND(phot_g_mean_mag), ROUND(parallax)

FROM gaiadr1.tgas_source

1Get the averages for the total proper motion from tgas_source in bins of one mag in mag g mean each. Let the output table contain the number of objects in each bin, too.


  ROUND(phot_g_mean_mag) AS bin,

  COUNT(*) AS n,

  AVG(SQRT(POWER(pmra,2)+POWER(pmdec,2))) AS pmavg

FROM gaiadr1.tgas_source



<!--l. 554--><p class="noindent" >SELECT: JOIN USING The tricky point in ADQL is the FROM clause. So far, we had a single table. Things get interesting when you add more tables: JOIN.
SELECT TOP 10 h1.ra, h1.dec, h1.hip, t1.hip

FROM hipparcos AS h1

JOIN tycho2 AS t1

USING (hip)

Check the tables in the Table Metadata shown by TOPCAT: astroref is from hipparcos, hp_mag from hipparcos_newreduction; both tables have a hip column.

JOIN is a combination of cartesian product and a select.

FROM hipparcos AS h1

JOIN tycho2 AS t1

USING (hip)

yields the cartesian product of the hipparcos and tycho2 tables but only retains the rows in which the hip columns in both tables agree.

Note that while the hip column we’re joining on is in both tables but only occurs once in the joined table. <!--l. 593--><p class="noindent" >SELECT: JOIN ON If your join criteria are more complex, you can join ON:

SELECT TOP 20 source_id, h.hip

FROM gaiadr1.tgas_source AS tgas

LEFT OUTER JOIN hipparcos as h ON (tgas.phot_g_mean_mag BETWEEN

h.hpmag -0.05 AND h.hpmag+0.05)

This particular query gives, for each source_id in tgas_source, all ids from ucas4 belonging to stars having about the same aperture magnitude as the mean g magnitude given in tgas_source. This doesn’t make any sense, but you may get the idea.

There are various kinds of joins, depending on what elements of the cartesian product are being retained. First note that in a normal join, rows from either table that have no “match” in the other table get dropped. Since that’s not always what you want, there are join variants that let you keep certain rows. In short (you’ll probably have to read up on this):

  • t1 INNER JOIN t2 (INNER is the default and is usually omitted): Keep all elements in the cartesian product that satisfy the join condition.

  • t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN t2: as INNER, but in addition for all rows of t1 that would vanish in the result (i.e., that have no match in t2) add a result row consisting of the row in t1 with NULL values where the row from t2 would be.
  • t1 RIGHT OUTER JOINt2: as LEFT OUTER, but this time all rows from t2 are retained.
  • t1 FULL OUTER JOIN t2: as LEFT OUTER and RIGHT OUTER performed in sequence.
<!--l. 718--><p class="noindent" >Geometries The main extension of ADQL wrt SQL is addition of geometric functions. Unfortunately, these were not particularly well designed, but if you don’t expect too much, they’ll do their job.

Keep the crossmatch pattern somewhere handy (everything is in degrees):


  source_id, tgas.ra, tgas.dec, tm.raj2000,

tm.dej2000, hmag, e_hmag

FROM gaiadr1.tgas_source as tgas

JOIN twomass AS tm


     POINT(’ICRS’, tm.raj2000, tm.dej2000),

     CIRCLE(’ICRS’, tgas.ra, tgas.dec, 1.5/3600))

In theory, you could use reference systems other than ICRS (e.g., GALACTIC, FK4) and hope the server converts the positions, but I’d avoid constructions with multiple systems – even if the server implements the stuff correctly, it’s most likely going to be slow.

When catalogs are on different epochs, you may need to account for proper motions to match faster stars. You should, however, not apply the proper motions in the primary selection. If you do that, the index cannot be used, and your query will waste a lot of CPU and disk bandwidth. Instead, decide about the maximum proper motion your objects might have (to get an idea, of the statistics, try selecting the fastest stars from – apart from the fact that the catalog got the fastest stars pretty wrong with two copies of some fast stars, there’s only a handful stars moving faster than four arcsecs per year).

Then multiply this with your epoch difference and make that your initial crossmatch radius. Then filter out the spurious matches with an extra where clause taking into account the proper motions. For moderate epoch differences, don’t worry about going into the tangential plane to apply proper motions and, for now, say something like


   TOP 30


   FROM ppmxl.main AS m

   JOIN gaia.dr1 AS g

   ON 1=CONTAINS(POINT(’ICRS’, m.raj2000, m.dej2000),

                 CIRCLE(’ICRS’, g.raj2000, g.dej2000, 30./3600.))




  CIRCLE(’ICRS’, g.raj2000, g.dej2000, 0.5/3600.))

The 15 is because Gaia DR1 is on J2015, whereas PPMXL is on J2000. Also, be careful with the units – in many catalogs, positions and proper motions are given in different units.

Also note how the outer PM-based filter is just a WHERE-clause. Since JOIN is a combination of operators of the relational algebra, the result of a join is a relation again and thus can be treated like any other table.

1Compare the total proper motions of the top 5000 stars in hipparcos and tycho2, together with the respective identifiers (hip for hipparcos, id for tycho2). Use a positional crossmatch with, say, a couple of arcsecs.

SELECT TOP 5000 hipp.hip, id,

 SQRT(POWER(hipp.pmra,2)+POWER(hipp.pmdec,2))/1000 AS pmtothip,

 SQRT(POWER(t2.pmra,2)+POWER(t2.pmde,2))/1000 AS pmtott2

FROM hipparcos as hipp

JOIN tycho2 AS t2 ON (


    POINT(’ICRS’, hipp.ra, hipp.dec),

    CIRCLE(’ICRS’, t2.ra, t2.dec, 0.001)))

<!--l. 814--><p class="noindent" >Subqueries One of the more powerful features of SQL is that you can have subqueries instead of tables within FROM. Just put them in parentheses and give them a name using AS. This is particularly convenient when you first want to try some query on a subset of a big table:

SELECT count(*) as n, round((hmag-jmag)*2) as bin


  SELECT TOP 4000 * FROM twomass) AS q



<!--l. 888--><p class="noindent" >TAP: Uploads TAP lets you upload your own tables into the server for the duration of the query.

Note that not all servers already support uploads. If one doesn’t, politely ask the operators for it.

Example: Take a subset of tgas_source with positions and proper motions and crossmatch it with sdss to get colors. First we make the subset with:


source_id, ra, dec, pmra, pmdec

FROM gaiadr1.tgas_source

WHERE 1=CONTAINS(POINT(’ICRS’, raj2000, dej2000),

      CIRCLE(’ICRS’, 18.02, 9.281, 4.0 ))

<!--l. 917--><p class="noindent" >TAP: Uploads 2

Then we change the TAP Service to and perform the following query:


   tgas.*, sdss.u, sdss.i, sdss.r, sdss.g

   FROM sdssdr7.sources AS sdss



         POINT(’ICRS’, sdss.ra, sdss.dec),

         CIRCLE(’ICRS’, tgas.ra, tgas.dec, 3./3600.))

You must replace the 1 in tap_upload.t1 with the index of the table you want to match.

You may also need to adjust the column names of RA and Dec for your table, and the match radius.