(1) Using TOPCAT, query SIMBAD for objects of a certain class (first attempt: WR stars (TAP -> simbad, select main_id, ra, dec from basic where otype='WR*') (2) Still using TOPCAT, retrieve spectra for the objects within a certain magnitude bracket. dfbs TAP, select dfbsspec.spectra table, Examples -> upload join; add magnitude bracket, yielding (+defeat of query planner) with sample as (SELECT TOP 1000 db.ra, db.dec, magb, magr, emulsion, spectral, flux, spec_id FROM dfbsspec.spectra AS db JOIN TAP_UPLOAD.t3 AS tc ON 1=CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', db.ra, db.dec), CIRCLE('ICRS', tc.ra, tc.dec, 5./3600.))) select * from sample where magb between 10 and 12 (3) Using a bit of astropy, compute outliers (see res/order.py) (4) Using TOPCAT, aladin, and Splat, investigate the farthest outliers