# Accessing the Gaia Moc data hosted at Astronomisches Recheninstitut # der Universitaet Heidelberg (ARI). # Authors: Hendrik Heinl, Markus Demleitner, Gregory Mantelet # # In this script we want to show how to access the Gaia data releases # using TAP services # # Depending on the installation and the system, the path to STILTS can # be defined once here. If you already set the variable STILTS in your # environment, this setting will be used instead. STILTS?=/usr/share/stilts/stilts t2.vot: t1.vot: $(STILTS) tapquery \ tapurl='http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-tap' \ omode=out \ out=t1.vot \ adql="SELECT TOP 20 \ ra, dec, galdim_majaxis, main_id \ FROM basic \ WHERE otype='G..' \ AND galdim_majaxis IS NOT NULL \ ORDER BY galdim_majaxis DESC" t2.vot:t1.vot $(STILTS) tapquery \ tapurl='http://mintaka.ari.uni-heidelberg.de/tap/' \ omode=out \ nupload=1 \ upload1=t1.vot \ upname1=t1 \ out=t2.vot \ ofmt=vot \ adql="SELECT TOP 25000 \ AVG(sqrt(pmra*pmra+pmdec*pmdec)) AS pmtot, \ COUNT(*) AS ct, main_id\ FROM tap_upload.t1 AS mine \ JOIN gog.gdr001 AS theirs \ ON (1=CONTAINS(POINT('icrs', theirs.ra, theirs.dec), \ CIRCLE('icrs', mine.ra, mine.dec, mine.galdim_majaxis/3600))) \ GROUP BY main_id \ ORDER BY ct DESC" clean: rm *.vot