Data from the CALIFA survey of galaxies, containig data cubes. This came in three data releases. We keep all data releases in this directory, but we make a new RD for each release, q..q3. q3 is the one that actually does things these days, the others are mainly for archival purposes. We dropped almost all database tables for the old releases and only keep those of the newest; the old releases essentially only have their datalink services left, which are pointed to from DR3's datalink. The data from the various releases is kept in data* directories. Again, only datadr3 has the current data. The contact person for this data has been Bernd Husemann ; for the second and third DR, we've almost exclusively dealt with Rubén García-Benito . Object catalogs were prepared by Jakob Walcher In DR3, there are two odd V500 cases, NGC0472.V500.rscube.fits and another one; they have V1200-like headers and will remain that way. Currently they are ignored , but at least for the cubes table, the importing code (addFiberMeta) should be fixed. The latest data tables I pulled off Test data Test data is DR3 UGC12519 in COMB, V1200, and V500, as well as a (possibly empty) UGC12864.V1200.rscube.fits (use imp -c to import flux_V1200 if it's empty).