This is a selection of spectral lines from splatalogue for distribution with CASA. Markus got it from mainly for LineTAP experiments. Some documentation is also findable through The one big challenge here are the inchis, as whatever the NRAO folks have as identifiers is a crazy hodgepodge that in part doesn't even seem to make chemical sense (like stereo markers (?) on non-chiral molecules) and either way cannot reliably be parsed by a machine. To come up with halfway reliable InChIs anyway, I'm extracting the "Species" and "Chemical Name" columns and sort them such that similar things hopefully are next to each other; that's the root of the res/species-key.txt file and is implemented in bin/ Next, I manually annotate that file with a third column containing the structure formula in our heuristic protocols.linetap code. The result of that is then processed with bin/, which add the inchis to res/species_key.txt. That is then used by the importer. If you do big changes here, see species/README on how to propagate the fixes here to there. The test set is the first 1000 lines of the TSV file.