This was a draft of version 4 the catalogue of nearby stars. This was started May 2007 in cooperation with Hartmut Jahreiss, ARI (that's cns4.fin). Then, about 2017, Christian Dettbarn gave us his state of the thing as cns-5.2, and we updated the the RD a bit. In November 2018, We got another version of the CNS from Jahrreiß (cns4_vanl), while at LSW, Alexander Golovin started a project to polish the thing. cns4_vanl still had plenty of quirks, too many actually to make publication make sense. Hence, we never published cns4. We're just keeping this around in case later historians want a peek. Quirks ====== The sun is in the catalogue but has no id. We can't have that and thus we skip it. That is why the grammar gives *two* header lines. ====== Update CNS 4 (1) Can we have a reliable documentation on how to read the "No" column? I know about the first column, but it'd be useful to know what the policy on the component designations is, and I have little idea what to do with the last few columns (h, n, sn,...) -- well, col. 8 has to do with binaries recognised by Hipparcos, but there's characters in there (xChns)? And col. 9 has something to do with erroneous inclusions, and again there's odd chars in there (xnpqs)... (2) I'm just mapping thorugh YPC -- not quite sure what it is. An oddly formed YPC number? But what's the purpose of the extra 00 and 10? What's HIL in there? (3) Having an official guide for column 174, the code for the Durchmusterung source, would be good if we wanted to keep it (I'd lean towards tossing it, though I could imagine quite a few original sources might have used BD identifiers...) (4) Dettbarn had cross-identifications into 2MASS and Simbad -- no idea how well curated they were. I suspect doing the cross matches now and with TAP available gets you better data with less effort, but I can't say for sure. I *suppose* we could relatively easily recover Christian's matches, though. (5) I can't really guess what the "D" column might be (col 186-190). I'm now carrying it through as id_d. (6) To save you a bit of work, in addition to pm and pmpa I'm also giving conventional pmra and pmdec. Here's some ADQL that spits out the records where pmdec is badly off vs. Hipparcos: select a.*, abs(a.pmdec-b.pmde)/b.pmde as pmdec_dev from as a join hipparcos.main as b on (b.hipno=a.id_hip) where abs(a.pmdec-b.pmde)/b.pmde>0.1 order by pmdec_dev desc (looking at the histogram I'd say there's very few that are obviously wrong and need some human eye). This needs improvement to properly treat multiple stars (with the hipparcos.main column whatPos, I suppose). Oh, don't worry about the errors TOPCAT flags in that query: That's again because I'm hiding the CNS table metadata from TOPCAT to keep people from accidentally stumbling on it. (7) the pi_code (cols 109-113) apparently has a lot of new characters, so the footnote is out of date. I suppose it's more efficient to figure this out for the few objects that don't have either Gaia or Hipparcos parallaxes than to work this out. (8) A first step to obtain good astrometry I'd take is to use the objects that have a Hipparcos counterpart and those that have a counterpart in HD, which can be halfway reliably matched with Gaia using the hdgaia catalog also available in the data center. For now, I'd bring everything to epoch 2000 using the ivo_apply_pm user defined function (see the service tab in TOPCAT's TAP window). Here's a query that adds the respective data where available; arrays in TOPCAT work like they do in Java or Python, i.e., just use [0] and [1] to get to the components: select cns.*, ivo_apply_pm(g.ra, g.dec, g.pmra/3.6e6, g.pmdec/3.6e6, -15) as gaiapos, g.source_id as gaia_id, ivo_apply_pm(h.ra, h.dec, h.pmra, h.pmde, 8.75) as hippos from as cns left outer join hipparcos.main as h on (h.hipno=cns.id_hip) left outer join hdgaia.main as hg on (hg.hd=cns.id_hd) left outer join gaia.dr2light as g on (hg.source_id=g.source_id) See on why there's a "left outer" here. Making a plane plot of gaiapos[0]-hippos[0] against gaiapos[1]-hippos[1] suggests that there are surprisingly few actual problematic objects here. Also note that when you open Aladin next to Topcat, you can tell TOPCAT in Views/Activation Actions to "Send Sky Coordinates" (check the box). You'll probably want to configure hippos[0] and hippos[1] as the columns to send. (9) Two other tables I'd recommend looking into are arihip.main, which is a careful rereduction of Hipparcos that's useful when motions are non-linear (which may be quite common in this sample) and gdr2dist.main that's a sane start for using Gaia parallaxes (and praise the lord if you can get away with it rather than have to deal with the Gaia parallaxes and their proper interpretation yourself...).