-------------------------------------- |CS82 Photo-z / Morpho-z Catalogue | |Version: 1.0 | |John Soo (e-mail: ucapyso@ucl.ac.uk)| -------------------------------------- Headers in file CS82_PHZ.FITS: ------------------------------------- Column Name Descriptions ------------------------------------- OBJID_CS82 CS82 object ID RA right ascension (deg) DEC declination (deg) FLAGS source extraction quality flag (ranges from 0 to 3, with 0 being the best) WEIGHT lensFit shape measurement flag. WEIGHT>0 indicates good shape measurement FITCLASS lensFit star-galaxy classifier: 1=stars; 0=galaxies; -1=no usable data; -2=blended objects; -3=miscellaneous reasons; -4=chi-square exceeded critical value MAG_AUTO CS82 Kron i-band magnitude MAGERR_AUTO CS82 Kron i-band magnitude error. Signal-to-noise ratio is 1.086/MAGERR_AUTO MAG_EXP CS82 exponential fit i-band magnitude MAG_PSF CS82 PSF i-band magnitude REFF_EXP exponential fit effective radius (arcsec) ASPECT_EXP exponential fit axis-ratio MU_MEAN_EXP exponential fit mean surface brightness P_EXP exponential shape probability: ~1 -> disc galaxy; ~0 -> elliptical galaxy N_SER Sersic index SPREAD_MODEL_SER Sersic spread model, the star-galaxy separator we used for this study. All objects in this catalogue have SPREAD_MODEL_SER>0.008, which are considered extended objects (galaxies) LENS lensing tag. Objects with LENS=1 are objects from the lensing subsample (FITCLASS=0, WEIGHT>0) OBJID_SDSS SDSS object ID for objects with matched ugriz broadband magnitudes (if available) MAG_DERED_U SDSS dereddened u-band magnitude (if available) MAG_DERED_G SDSS dereddened g-band magnitude (if available) MAG_DERED_R SDSS dereddened r-band magnitude (if available) MAG_DERED_I SDSS dereddened i-band magnitude (if available) MAG_DERED_Z SDSS dereddened z-band magnitude (if available) ZSPEC spectroscopic redshift (if available) ZPHOT photometric redshift estimated using inputs ugriz+morphology (if available) zMORPH photometric redshift estimated using inputs i+morphology zBEST best redshift for this object, in order of priority: ZSPEC, ZPHOT, ZMORPH ODDS_PHOT ODDS value for ZPHOT ODDS_MORPH ODDS value for ZMORPH ODDS_BEST ODDS value for ZBEST (=1 if ZSPEC is used) SOURCE_SPEC source of spectroscopy: SDSS, BOSS, DEEP2, WIGGLEZ or VVDS (if available) CLASS_SPEC class of object based on spectral fit: GALAXY or QSO (if available) Headers in file CS82_PZ_PHOT.FITS & CS82_PZ_MORPH.FITS: ---------------------------- Column Name Descriptions ---------------------------- OBJID_CS82 CS82 object ID z_0 - z_189 P(z) values for ZPHOT/ZMORPH, ranging from z=0.005 to z=1.895 in an equal step size of 0.01