How to use Dexter outside of the ADS ==================================== Dexter was primarily written to support extraction of data from scans at ADS. However, with a little fiddling you can make it work on your local site. Rather than doing this -- in particular if you've never built a Java application before --, I suggest you check out This is a version of dexter you can upload your own data to. The instructions below cover Unix-like systems, mainly, but at least Debuxter should just run on Windows, too. You should make sure that you have not terribly ancient versions of a JDK (version 1.7 or higher; openjdk is just fine), GNU make, and that both javac and java are on your path. As far as windows is concerned, you may be able to run Debuxter if you have a local version of the JRE installed, but the rest of the scripts in this distribution will be useless to you (some may actually work if you have ghostscript and cygwin installed). What should work under windows is opening a command line prompt and then typing: start Debuxter.jar would probably get you going. Debuxter ======== With debuxter, you can extract data from bitmap images of (preferably) pre-cropped graphs. Note: Indexed images (GIFs, some PNGs) should not have more than 128 colours, since otherwise the recognizers won't work due to a bug (or my stupidity) in AWT's IndexedColorModel. For the usual graphs, 128 colours are more than enough, though. Try make debug in the directory you unpacked the Dexter sources to. When the machine is done building, you should see Dexter's extraction window. If that doesn't happen, your Java Runtime probably is too old. If you send me bug reports, please include the entire output of "make debug". To process own images (but see above), java -mx30000000 -jar Debuxter.jar (the -mx option just sets the heap size of the program to something reasonable for handling images). You should now see Dexter's main extraction window with your image in it. On windows, you'd put both Debuxter.jar and your image into a common directory, open the command prompt, go into that directory and say start Debuxter.jar You may have to increase the heap size here as well. Note again that Debuxter doesn't support saving the results. You can, however, "Show data" and cut'n'paste the results. See the following paragraph for a somewhat more streamlined stand-alone operation. Gaucho ====== Gaucho gets its images from a shell script, and thus you can potentially extract from anything you can get images from. Due to the dependence on shell scripts, this won't work on Windows unless you get yourself something like Cygwin (which is quite recommendable anyway). Probably the most common application is extraction from postscript files. The script dexter_getImage that is shipped with the distribution uses ghostscript and netpbm for this conversion -- you need to have both packages installed for Gaucho to work. Go to the directory you unpacked Dexter to and say make test After a while (possibly quite a long while) you should see a selection window pop up. Mark the part you want to run the extraction on with the mouse, wait a little more[1], and you'll see the selection window. If this doesn't work, it may be that you're missing tools -- check if there's a convert.log file and check its contents. Also, try dexter_getImage -s8 -- this may help to see why the image aquistion failed. To extract from your own postscript or pdf, say ./runGaucho /path/to/your/ps. This extracts from the first page. If you want to extract from later pages, just prepend a @, e.g. ./runGaucho 4@/path/to/your/ps extracts from the fourth page. If you know a bit Bourne shell, you can check out dexter_getImage and fiddle around. System-wide installation ======================== I've made no provisions for system-wide installation yet, but if you ask me, I'll probably have motivation to do so. --- [1] This can actually take quite a while if your machine is slowish and your extraction resolution is high (you can probably speed it up up a bit by reducing the AlphaBits in dexter_getImage:procVector at the expense of antialiasing). This could be made much faster if ghostscript could be told to output a cropped image. Any hints in that direction are welcome.