IMPORTANT: q.rd, README, and bin/ are currently *both* in the GAVO SVN and at It is currently being synchronised between the two (if at all) by hand. These are the full plate scans of the DFBS. They were scraped off a machine in Trieste that, in turn, was a clone of the machine on which DFBS extraction was done. The original files had various problems; in particular the astrometric calibration still was DSS-style, and many headers had non-ASCII in them. The local bin/ fixes that as far as possible, also adding metadata from WFPDB. The WFPDB doesn't have all plates; for the missing ones, there's data/fallback_meta as provided by the Italian group who did the extraction (but it's less complete). Quite a few FITSes are still broken: * fbs0584, fbs0587, fbs1165, fbs1187, fbs1824M didn't receive a header, it seems. Recovering them might be possible if it were found worthwhile. * fbs0323, fbs1825M, fbs1828M, fbs1830M, fbs1831M, fbs1832M, fbs1834M, fbs1834_, fbs1835M, fbs1836M, fbs1837M, fbs1838M, fbs1839M, fbs1840M, fbs1841M, fbs1842M, fbs1875, fbs1882, fbs1883, fbs2064, fbs2231, fbs2234, fbs2235, fbs2237, fbs2242, fbs2243, fbs2244, fbs2247 are not in WFPDB. If they were entered there, they'd probably just work. * fbsanon+38_cor -- who knows? * there are extra plates that are either failed observations or anyway not objective prism exposures, and that are missing in WFPDB. There's some metadata on them in dfbs-supplement.csv that would need to be applied. Since some of them are so broken that the FITS grammar rejects them, I've moved them out of the way (to data/broken in Heidelberg). There's still a trigger in the q.rd only accepts plates with updated headers. It'll know them by the presence of the WFPDB-ID header. The test set is fbs0017_cor.fits in order to enable test across dfbs and dfbsspec's test set.