This is a list of Jan's guesses what parallax solutions in Gaia eDR3 are actually spurious. Data was rsynced up to us by Jan. Test data: healpix 3663 (lvl5_res_snr45_both_3663.fits) in accordance with gedr3dist. Dump creation: psql gavo -c '\copy (select * from gedr3spur.main order by source_id) to stdout' > static/dump.txt pigz static/dump.txt Sample creation based on that: zcat static/dump.txt.gz | head -3000 | gzip > sample.txt.gz Yes, this RD reads from sample/* rather than data/*. data/ contained the sources for the intermediate tables as of ~svn rev. 8230. How I built the data ==================== The data as in the dump was assembled on-site. I originally got from Jan: * lvl5_res_snr45_both_*.fits containing the version 1 fidelities * lvl5_*.npy containing version 2 fidelities as numpy dumps * neighbor_table_*.fits.gz containing neighbour distances and some derived quantities From the npy files I made fits files using a small python script so I can simply use the booster infrastructure. The fidelities I pulled into two tables, gedr3spur.v1 and gedrspur.v2. The RD that did that is still in the SVN history.