This this builds with jdk8, but probably nothing much newer, at least not with gwt-1.4.60 and gwt-widgets-0.2. Markus has these on disk; jdk8 was still in Debian jessie. If you're unfortunate enough to have to re-build this, I'd say go for a jessie VM. Otherwise, short notes: Code is in src/org/gavo/inflight/client Human-readable docs are in src/site/apt The compiled stuff goes to www/org.gavo.inflight.InflightViewer where you can start a browser on InflightViewer.html to test things locally. To install the finished mess, copy it manually to $RESDIR/static (where resdir is /data/gavo/inputs/inflight on alnilam). You may want to rm -rf the contents of that directory before copying. If you have maven, you can automatically create build docs using mvn site to create the internal project site. (Do not care about lots of warnings when executing this command.) You will then find the project information site at: file:///target/site/index.html This project uses Maven only to create the project site. Maven is not used for building or packaging; use InflightViewer-compile.