http://localhost:8080/tap SELECT o.main_id, sb.coo_ra, sb.coo_dec, sb.plx_value, sb.dist_st_value, sb.sptype_string, sb.coo_gal_l, sb.coo_gal_b, sb.teff_st_value, sb.mass_st_value, sb.radius_st_value, sb.binary_flag, sb.mag_i_value, sb.mag_j_value, sb.class_lum, sb.class_temp, o_parent.main_id AS parent_main_id, sb_parent.sep_ang_value FROM life_td.star_basic AS sb JOIN life_td.object AS o ON sb.object_idref=o.object_id LEFT JOIN life_td.h_link AS h ON o.object_id=h.child_object_idref LEFT JOIN life_td.object AS o_parent ON h.parent_object_idref=o_parent.object_id LEFT JOIN life_td.star_basic AS sb_parent ON o_parent.object_id=sb_parent.object_idref WHERE o.type = 'st' AND sb.dist_st_value < 30. SELECT TOP 10 object_id, coo_ra, coo_dec, plx_value FROM life.star_basic JOIN life.object ON object_id=object_idref WHERE type='st' -> works SELECT main_id as Child_main_id, object_id as child_object_id FROM life.h_link JOIN life.ident as p on p.object_idref=parent_object_idref JOIN life.object on object_id=child_object_idref WHERE = '* alf Cen' -> worked show all parents of object with identifier '* alf Cen A': SELECT main_id as arent_main_id, object_id as parent_object_id FROM life.h_link JOIN life.ident as c on c.object_idref=child_object_idref JOIN life.object on object_id=parent_object_idref WHERE = '* alf Cen A' -> worked show all siblings of object with identifier '* alf Cen A': SELECT DISTINCT(object_id) FROM (SELECT parent_object_idref AS object_id, membership, child_object_idref AS myself FROM h_link JOIN indent ON child_object_idref=object_idref WHERE id='* alf Cen A') AS parents JOIN h_link ON parent_object_idref=parents.object_id JOIN objects ON objects.object_id=child_object_idref WHERE (h_link.membership >=95 OR h_link.membership IS NULL) AND (parents.membership >=95 OR parents.membership IS NULL) AND object.object_id != parents.myself -> need to solve membership null error SELECT TOP 10 object_id FROM life.object WHERE type='st' -> works missing: SELECT object_id FROM objects JOIN star_basic ON object_id=object_idref WHERE plx.value='NULL' OR plx.quality IN ('D','E'); ->first need to get null value and quality working properly moredata: SELECT * FROM life.mesDist JOIN life.ident USING(object_idref) WHERE id = 'GJ 10' -> works... not any longer with Gaia EDR3 6366571314402539008 but does with GJ 10 datalist: SELECT TOP 10 * FROM life.star_basic -> works SELECT * FROM life.star_basic JOIN life.ident USING(object_idref) WHERE id = '* alf Cen' -> works SELECT * FROM life.star_basic JOIN life.object ON object_id=object_idref WHERE type='st' AND plx_value > 50 -> works nondetections: number of planetary children SELECT count(*) FROM life.h_link JOIN life.ident as p on p.object_idref=parent_object_idref JOIN life.object on object_id=child_object_idref WHERE = '* alf Cen A' and type='pl' SELECT * FROM life.planet_basic JOIN life.ident USING(object_idref) WHERE id = ' Proxima b' -> not working disk query SELECT main_id disk_main_id, object_id as disk_object_id, db.* FROM life.h_link JOIN life.disk_basic as db on db.object_idref=child_object_idref JOIN life.ident as p on p.object_idref=parent_object_idref JOIN life.object on object_id=child_object_idref WHERE = '* bet Cas' and type='di' -> works