is a pure-python for the lightmeter. It is supposed to spit out skyglow, modelled after To install, run sudo make install This will install the program into /usr/local/bin. It will also install a classical init script in /etc/init.d. On Debian-derived systems, it will also set the necessary links using update-rc.d; on other systems, you'll have to run the equivalent of ln -s /etc/init.d/lightmeter /etc/rc2.d/S70lightmeter (or whatever) yourself. If you run systemd, would you contribute the appropriate incantation? You will probably want to add a system user that the driver will change to when it is started as root (this happens, e.g., when the thing is started from the init script): sudo adduser lightmeter (if you don't like that name or would like to run the thing as an existing user, you'll have to change the LM_USER in the initscript, too). To run the lightmeter, you should generally change to this user, e.g., via sudo -u lightmeter bash or an equivalent command. Finally, to let normal users access the the device, you need to add a udev rule; the following will probably work: sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/10-lightmeter.rules <