Data from a scan project initiated by the late Kurt Birkle. The raw scans come down from Landessternwarte (talk to Otmar Stahl, They are calibrated using bin/ (which uses Every now and then a plate catalogue comes in from Landessternwarte. Then do: * copy the file to res/, following naming conventions. * link to it from plattenkatalog.csv * run bin/ * run bin/ --verbose --report * if plates are not solved, try to find out why (see processors docs) * gavoimp res/positions * send bin/ to whoever sent you the plate catalog TODO: Add header information as per Mainly as a proving ground for, we've collected a few publication -> plates links in res/bibliography.txt. Perhaps this can be expanded. If you'd like to tackle this, the format is +. The calibrations of several plates are so severely off that the polygons end up non-convex. I for now removed the coverages from the database using: update lsw.plates set coverage=NULL where accref in ( 'lswscans/data/part2/Wolf/FITS/G1970.fits', 'lswscans/data/part2/Wolf/FITS/G3315.fits', 'lswscans/data/part2/Wolf/FITS/G3318.fits', 'lswscans/data/part2/Wolf/FITS/G3183.fits', 'lswscans/data/part2/Wolf/FITS/G3354.fits', 'lswscans/data/part2/Wolf/FITS/G5079.fits') Also, the calibrations of all Bruce Plates are wrong if the circumference/area of the resulting coverage isn't somewhere between 0.018 and 0.037 update lsw.plates set coverage=NULL where accref in ( select accref from ( select accref, ar/cf as rat from ( select @-@coverage as cf, area(coverage) as ar, accref from lsw.plates where plateid like 'B%') a) b where not rat between 0.018 and 0.037) Instrument identifiers ---------------------- For a test with b2find and b2inst, I've created "P"IDs for the telescopes here. I did that on The login there is Markus' uni-id with some custom password (don't ask). These people want a lot of metadata, none of which really apply to our case. I liberally used DataCite NULL values (:unas, :unap) for them. Well, and then I still don't know how to pull the generated identifiers from them.