by Milcho Tsvetkov
The Wolf-Palisa stellar charts were produced between 1900 and 1916 in a collaboration between the Heidelberg and Vienna Observatories for the needs of minor planets observations.
The plates were taken with the 40 cm Bruce telescope in Heidelberg mainly by M. Wolf. More details on the further work on making contact-copies of the plates and their conversion in stellar charts with superimposed coordinate grid in modified Mercator projection, as well as production of copper engraving version of the plates, can be found Albrecht et al. (2001) and Schnell (2014).
207 (of the originally obtained 210) original plates for the Wolf-Palisa charts were scanned in the frame of the Heidelberg plate digitisation project and published through GAVO HDAP. The 210 Wolf-Palisa charts were digitised by M. Tsvetkov and K.Tsvetkova by the Heidelberg University Library Zeutschel OS 12000 scanner during M. Tsvetkov's Humboldt stay in October-November 2014.
This table gives all plates from Wolff-Palisa Survey as they are in HDAP except for plates 48, 49, and 50 (HDAP ids B0155, B0147, and B0151), which were, as far as we could ascertain, borrowed by someone in the 1920 and never returned.