purx ("PUblishing Registry proXy") is a proxy publishing registry that lets minor data centers just put up VOResource records somewhere on the web. purx then watches these pages and re-publishes records as necessary. DO NOT RUN THIS SERVICE OUTSIDE OF dc.g-vo.org WITHOUT CHANGING THE AUTHORITY! To bootstrap this, first run enrollment on http://dc.g-vo.org/getRR/purx/q/auth (the purx authority) and http://dc.g-vo.org/getRR/purx/q/pmh (the OAI-PMH endpoint, i.e., the "Registry" itself) Only then can you register the PMH endpoint at http://dc.g-vo.org/purx/q/pmh/oai.xml with the RofR and start pushing out records. For emergency restores, there's a dump of the last state (roughly, at least, in data/purx_source.dump.