Mid-Infrared atlas of local AGN; this data was provided by Daniel Asmus (asmus@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de) in September 2013 and then completely updated in March 2014. Handled by Markus. Things done to data in original .tar.gz: * mid-infrared, IRAC_MIPS, optical, SEDs/nuFnu: took out constant ugly parts ("whatever-converted-to") from the file names. * bibextract subdir: Say make to make the citations.bbl file needed by res/texgrammar * Name_conversions.txt was copied from an old version of the submission. * changed dale_ultraviolet--radio_2007 in my_lib_ref.bib to dale_ultraviolet-radio_2007, same in descriptions/NGC5866.tex * In descriptions/Circinus.tex: put 10\degree\, in $.$ * Create a collections sub-dir and more fits.tar.gz and plots.tar.gz in there.