A program for computing element abundances and stellar parameter from spectra. It was supplied by Corrado Boeche, 2014, who was directly committing in our repository. The two src and src-2.0 directories contains the source of the current version 1.4 and the new branch that may lead to the version 2.0 (but hasn't seen activity in a while). Corrado now and then provides new versions that typically break the service or at least change expected results. When a new version is there, make sure you change the version variable in the Makefile before running make install. You'll also manually have to fix the links in res/download.shtml manually (for now). The program needs a fairly large spectral library, the location of which is configured in res/spacecore.py (parFile). Let's consistently call these spectral-library-vX.Y. When devloping, just do the equivalent of sshfs alnilam:/data/gavo/inputs/sp_ace/data/spectral-library-v1.4 data/spectral-library-v1.4/ Then go to http://localhost:8080/sp_ace/q/c/form and choose test_data/low-res-example.asc as file. If the formats of the result files change, you'll need to change res/resultgrammar.py as well as test_data/response_scaffold.dat and test_data/space_model_scaffold.dat, which are used in regression tests. To obtain them, run python3 res/spacecore.py and copy response_scaffold.dat and space_model_scaffold.dat from your home to test_data. To build the fortran binary, you'll need libopenblas-dev and liblapack-dev