These are oscillator strengths and similar data provided by Thomas Rauch by mail in Aug 2015, and then in various additional mails later on. When new data comes in, do (there's an extra complication because we need to compute the ground state energies to make the LineTAP data): * copy data files to toss/data * add a mapping to the PUBLICATION_MAP (and fix older, forgotten ones) * if necessary, amend the chemical_element values element * import the the data table with ``dachs imp q import`` * If things look good, move things to the production server and ingest there * Back on the development instance, re-build the ground state map doing ``cd res; python3`` * Import the LineTAP data using ``dachs imp q make_lt``. * run ``gavo limits q.rd`` * and move the whole stuff to the production server Since I've looked for it here before, this is what the IAU -- Morton (1991ApJS...77..119M) -- says on air to vacuum: AIR = VAC / (1.0 + 2.735182E-4 + 131.4182 / VAC^2 + 2.76249E8 / VAC^4) While I'm doing links: Some enlightenment on what spectroscopists do is here: