This directory contains some artifacts dealing with a bridge between Registry and the DOI system. This is currently used within GAVO's voidoi service, It should be generic enough for other projects having to deal with the translation of VOResource do datacite metadata, though. First, there is vor-to-doi.xslt, which is a fairly complete mapping from VOResource to the datacite core. There is an example record to exercise this in vor-example.xml. With xsltproc, the following should work to produce a datacite record: xsltproc vor-to-doi.xslt vor-example.xml In this special case, the test record already as a DOI in the VOResource 1.1 altIdentifier element. If your VOResource record does not already contain a DOI, you can pass one in with the doi_for_record string parameter. In xsltproc, this could look like this:: xsltproc --stringparam doi_for_record 10.5072/testrec \ vor-to-doi.xslt vor-example.xml Second, there is a piece of python, that lets you run the stylesheet on a set of records in a ivo_vor OAI-PMH response. In particular, the script will generate DOIs (WARNING: currently, no collision detection performed). There is some sample input for that, too, oai-example.xml. The command line python oai-example.xml will (if you have python-lxml installed) produce a number of .datacite files containing datacite records.