========================== Common Problems with DaCHS ========================== DistributionNotFound ==================== When trying to run any program, you may see tracebacks like:: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/gavo", line 5, in from pkg_resources import load_entry_point [...] File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 552, in resolve raise DistributionNotFound(req) pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: gavodachs==0.6.3 This is usually due to updates to the source code when you have installed your source in development mode. Simple do ``sudo python setup.py develop`` in the root of the source distribution again. Another source of this error can be unreadable source directories. Please check that the user that's trying to execute the command can actually read the sources you checked out. ignoreOn in a rowmaker doesn't seem to work =========================================== The most likely reason is that you are testing for the presence of a key that is within the table. This will not work since rowmakers add key->None mapping for all keys missing but metioned in a map (also implicitely via ``idmaps``. If more than one rowmake operate on a source, things get really messy since rowmakers *change* the row dictionaries in place. Maybe this should change at some point, but right now that's the way it is. Thus, you can *never* reliably expect keys used by other tables to be present or absent since you cannot predict the order in which the various table's rowmakers will run. To fix this, you can check against that key's value being NULL, e.g., like this:: You could also instruct the rowmaker to ignore that key; this would require you to enumerate all rows you want mapped. Server is Only Visible from the Local Host ========================================== When the server is running (``gavo serve start``) and you can access pages from the machine the server runs on just fine, but no other machines can access the server, you run the server with the default web configuration. It tells the server to only bind to the loopback interface (, a.k.a. localhost). To fix this, say:: [web] bindAddress: in your /etc/gavo.rc. Transaction Deadlocking ======================= When gavo imp (or possibly requests to the server) just hangs without consuming CPU but not doing anything useful, it is quite likely that you managed to provoke a deadlock. This happens when you have a database transaction going on a table while trying to access it from the outside. To give an example:: from gavo import base from gavo import rsc t = rsc.TableForDef(tableDefForFoo) q = base.SimpleQuerier().query("select * from foo") This will deadlock if tableDefForFoo actually defines an onDisk table foo. The reason is that instanciating a database table object will create a connection and start a transaction (e.g., to see if the table is actually present on disk). SimpleQuerier, on the other hand, creates another connection and another transaction. In general, the result of this second transaction will depend on the outcome of the first one. Postgres will notice that and postpone creating the result until the t's transaction if finished. That will never happen with this code. To diagnose what's happening, it is useful to see the server's idea of what is going on inside itself. The following script (that you might call psdb) will help you:: #!/bin/sh psql gavo << EOF select procpid, usename, current_query, date_trunc('seconds', query_start::time) from pg_stat_activity order by procpid EOF (this assumes your database is called gavo and you have sufficient rights on that database; it's not hard to figure out the psql command line for other scenarios). This could output something like:: procpid | usename | current_query | date_trunc ---------+-----------+-------------------------+------------ 9301 | gavoadmin | | 16:55:39 9302 | gavoadmin | in transaction | 16:55:39 9303 | gavoadmin | in transaction | 16:55:39 9306 | gavoadmin | in transaction | 16:55:43 9309 | gavoadmin | SELECT calPar FROM l... | 16:55:43 (5 Zeilen) The procpid is the pid of the process handling the connection. Usually, you will see one running query and possibly quite a few connections that are idle in transaction (which are tables waiting to be fed, etc.). The query should give you some idea where the deadlock occurs. To escape the deadlock (which, under CPython, will block ^C as well), kill the process trying the query -- this will give you a traceback to the offending instruction. Of course, you will need to become the postgres or root user to do that, so it may be easier to forego the traceback and just kill gavo imp. To fix such a situation, there are various options. You could commit the table's transaction:: from gavo import base from gavo import rsc t = rsc.TableForDef(tableDefForFoo) t.commit() q = base.SimpleQuerier().query("select * from foo") but that is not usally what you want to do. Much more often, you want to execute the second query in t's transaction. In this case, this could work like this:: from gavo import base from gavo import rsc t = rsc.TableForDef(tableDefForFoo) q = base.SimpleQuerier(connection=t.connection).query("select * from foo") Of course, it is not always easy to access the connection object. Note, however, that in most procedure definitions, you have the target data set available as data. If you have that, you can usually obtain the current connection (and thus transaction) via:: data.getPrimaryTable().connection -- at least if you designate one of the data's tables as primary through its make elements. 'prodtblAccref' not found in a mapping ====================================== You get this error message when you make a table that mixes in //products#table (possibly indirectly, e.g., via SSAP or SIAP mixins) with a grammar that does not use the //products#define row filter. So, within the grammar, say (at least, see the reference documentation for other parameters for rowgen):: \schema.table -- substituting dest.table with the actual name of the table fed. The reason why you need to manually give the table is that the grammar doesn't now what table the rows generated end up in. On the other hand, the information needs to be added in the grammar, since it is fed both to your table and the system-wide products table. I get "Column ssa_dstitle missing" when importing SSA tables ============================================================ The ``//ssap#setMeta`` rowmaker application does not directly fill the output rowdict but rather defines new input symbols. This is done to give you a chance to map things set by it, but it means that you must idmap at least all ssa symbols (or map them manually, but that's probably too tedious). So, in the rowmaker definition, you write:: "unpack requires a string argument of length" ============================================= These typically come from a binary grammar parsing from a source with armor=fortran. Then, the input parser delivers data in parcels given by the input file, and the grammar tries to parse it into the fields given in your binaryRecordDef. The error message means that the two don't match. This can be because the input file is damaged, you forgot to skip some header, but it can also be because you forgot fields or your binaryRecordDef doesn't match the input in some other way.