========== GAVO DaCHS ========== The GAVO Data Center Helper Suite (DaCHS) is a publishing infrastructure for the Virtual Observatory, including a flexible component for ingesting and mapping data, integrated metadata handling with a publishing registry, and support for many VO protocols and standards. Documentation ============= All of this is very much work in progress. Users asking for elaboration are certainly good indicators of where need is greatest. For Data Center Operators ------------------------- * Installation and configuration (`install.html <./install.html>`_, `install.pdf <./install.pdf>`_, `install.rstx <./install.rstx>`_) * Operator's guide (`opguide.html <./opguide.html>`_, `opguide.pdf <./opguide.pdf>`_, `opguide.rstx <./opguide.rstx>`_) * Tutorial on importing data (`tutorial.html <./tutorial.html>`_, `tutorial.pdf <./tutorial.pdf>`_, `tutorial.rstx <./tutorial.rstx>`_) * Reference (`ref.html <./ref.html>`_, `ref.pdf <./ref.pdf>`_, `ref.rstx <./ref.rstx>`_) * How do I? (`howDoI.html <./howDoI.html>`_, `howDoI.pdf <./howDoI.pdf>`_, `howDoI.rstx <./howDoI.rstx>`_) * Guide to write booster grammars (`booster.html <./booster.html>`_, `booster.pdf <./booster.pdf>`_, `booster.rstx <./booster.rstx>`_) * Guide to preprocessing input files (`processors.html <./processors.html>`_, `processors.pdf <./processors.pdf>`_, `processors.rstx <./processors.rstx>`_) * Hints on common problems (`commonproblems.html <./commonproblems.html>`_, `commonproblems.pdf <./commonproblems.pdf>`_, `commonproblems.rstx <./commonproblems.rstx>`_) For VO Data Providers --------------------- * Checklist for data providers (`data_checklist.html <./data_checklist.html>`_, `data_checklist.pdf <./data_checklist.pdf>`_, `data_checklist.rstx <./data_checklist.rstx>`_) Library Documentation --------------------- * STC library documentation (`stc.html <./stc.html>`_, `stc.pdf <./stc.pdf>`_, `stc.rstx <./stc.rstx>`_) * ADQL library documentation (`adql.html <./adql.html>`_, `adql.pdf <./adql.pdf>`_, `adql.rstx <./adql.rstx>`_) * VOTable library documentation (`votable.html <./votable.html>`_, `votable.pdf <./votable.pdf>`_, `votable.rstx <./votable.rstx>`_) * VOTable library tapquery documentation (`tapquery.html <./tapquery.html>`_, `tapquery.pdf <./tapquery.pdf>`_, `tapquery.rstx <./tapquery.rstx>`_) DaCHS developer Documentation ----------------------------- * Epydoc-generated `API documentation <./apidoc>`_. Note, however, that none of this is, as yet, guaranteed stable API. Very little will be. The main purpose of this is to help understanding the code as it is; but of course you should tell us "I need this function in a stable API" when you do, and we promise to regard such requests with favor. * Development notes (`develNotes.html <./develNotes.html>`_, `develNotes.pdf <./develNotes.pdf>`_, `develNotes.rstx <./develNotes.rstx>`_) Software ======== To obtain the software (or parts of it), see http://vo.ari.uni-heidelberg.de/soft.