=========================== GAVO DaCHS operator's guide =========================== .. contents:: :depth: 3 :backlinks: entry :class: toc This document details the configuration and operation of the GAVO DaCHS server. For information on installing the software, please refer to the `installation guide`_, to learn how to import data, see the tutorial_. For an overview of the available documentation, see `DaCHS documentation`_ .. _DaCHS documentation: http://docs.g-vo.org/DaCHS .. _installation guide: http://docs.g-vo.org/DaCHS/install.html .. _tutorial: http://docs.g-vo.org/DaCHS/tutorial.html Starting and stopping the server ================================ The ``gavo serve`` subcommand is used to control the server. ``gavo serve start`` starts the server, changes the user to what is specified in the [web] user config item if it has the privileges to do so (that's "gavo" by default; you will already have created that user if you followed the installation instructions) and detaches from the terminal. Analoguosly, ``gavo serve stop`` stops the server. To reload some of the server configuration (e.g., the resource descriptors, the vanity map, and the /etc/gavo.rc and ~/.gavorc files), run ``gavo serve reload``. This does not reload database profiles, and not all configuration items are applied (e.g., changes to the bind address and port only take effect after a restart). If you remove a configuration item entriely, their built-in defaults do not get restored on reload either. Finally, ``gavo serve restart`` restarts the server. The start, stop, reload, and restart operations generally should be run as root; you can run them as the server user (by default, gavo), too, as long as the server doesn't try to bind to a privileged (lower than 1025). All this can and should be packed into a startup script. With a system V init system, you could use something like this (e.g., as ``/etc/init.d/dachs``; some paths may need adaption for non-Debian systems):: #!/bin/sh -e ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: DaCHS # Required-Start: $local_fs $remote_fs $network # Required-Stop: $local_fs $remote_fs $network # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6 # Short-Description: Start/stop DaCHS Virtual Observatory server ### END INIT INFO # ENV="env -i LANG=C PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin" . /lib/lsb/init-functions test -f /etc/default/rcS && . /etc/default/rcS test -f /etc/default/apache2 && . /etc/default/apache2 SERVER_BIN="$ENV /usr/bin/gavo --disable-spew serve" case $1 in start) log_daemon_msg "Starting VO server" "dachs" if $SERVER_BIN start; then log_end_msg 0 else log_end_msg 1 fi ;; stop) log_daemon_msg "Stopping VO server" "dachs" if $SERVER_BIN stop; then log_end_msg 0 else log_end_msg 1 fi ;; reload | force-reload) log_daemon_msg "Reloading VO server config" "dachs" if $SERVER_BIN reload $2 ; then log_end_msg 0 else log_end_msg 1 fi ;; restart) log_daemon_msg "Restarting VO server" "dachs" if $SERVER_BIN restart; then log_end_msg 0 else log_end_msg 1 fi ;; *) log_success_msg "Usage: /etc/init.d/dachs {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload}" exit 1 ;; esac For development work or to see what is going on, you can run ``gavo serve debug``; this does not detach and does not change users. Specifying meta information fallbacks ===================================== The file ``rootDir/etc/defaultmeta.txt`` gives metadata on you. You must fill this out when you start generating your own resource records (i.e., publish services or data using the built-in registry interface). ``gavo init`` creates a file with the commonly useful keys. Configuration Settings ====================== Many aspects of the data center can be configured using INI-style configuration files. DaCHS tries to obtain them from a global location (``/etc/gavo.rc`` or whatever is in the ``GAVOSETTINGS`` environment variable) and a user-specific file (``~/gavo.rc`` or whatever is in the ``GAVOCUSTOM`` variable). The server should probably be configured in the global location exclusively, since otherwise it will behave differently depending on which user starts the server. This section starts with a walkthrough through the more relevant settings, section by section; below, there is a reference of all supported configuration items. Walkthrough ----------- The general Section ''''''''''''''''''' This mainly sets paths. The most important is ``rootDir``, a directory most other paths are relative to. This is the one you'll most likely want to change. If you, e.g., wanted to have a private DaCHS tree, you could put:: [general] rootDir: /home/user/gavo into your ``~/.gavorc``. The other paths in this section are interpreted relative to rootDir unless they start with a slash. You may want to set tempDir and cacheDir to a directory local to your maching if rootDir is mounted via a network. Also note that we do no synchronization for writing to the log (and never will -- we will provide syslog based logging if necessary), so you may want to tweak logDir too to keep actions from seperate users seperate. The web Section ''''''''''''''' You typically want to adapt several settings here. First ``bindAddress`` gives the IP address of the interface DaCHS will accept requests from. By default, that's localhost, meaning that your server will only talk to the machine it runs on. Once you want to serve other people, you will need to change this. For most systems, binding to all interfaces is what you want; keep bindAddress empty to accomplish that. You may also want to change ``serverPort``. That is the TCP port DaCHS listens to. The default, 8080, is what's commonly used in test setups. On machines dedicated to DaCHS, you would set it to 80, the standard HTTP port; this will of course fail if there's already another web server running. DaCHS frequently needs to produce full URLs to itself. to do that, it uses ``serverURL``. While we could potentially infer that from ``bindAddress`` and ``serverPort``, today's web setups are frequently too complicated to make that work. So, adapt ``serverURL``, too, to the base URL of your server, without any trailing slash. A complete setup for a public server would thus look like this:: [web] bindAddress: serverPort: 80 serverURL: http://mydc.myvo.org While you are at it, set ``sitename`` to a short string describing your server (this is currently only used in the registry interface). You will probably also want to set ``adminpasswd``. If set, you can log in on your server as user gavoadmin with this password. Gavoadmin basically may do everything (access protected resources, clear caches, etc). The password is given in clear text; doing some kind of encryption would only make sense if you were prepared to enter some kind of passphrase every time you start the server. As in other places, DaCHS assumes the machine it runs on is trusted. The db Section '''''''''''''' In the db section, some global properties of the database access layer are defined. Currently, the most releveant one is profilePath. This is a colon-separated list of rootDir-relative paths in which DaCHS looks for database profiles (expansion of home directories is supported). The first match in any of these directories wins. This is useful when you have a test setup and a production setup -- just say ``include dsn`` in the common profiles (by default in configDir) and have separate dsn files in the ~/.gavo directories of the accounts feeding the test and production databases. You probably do not want to to mess with any settings ending in Roles. These are for rather exotic setups where DaCHS needs to accomodate other software. The profiles Section '''''''''''''''''''' The profile section maps profile names to file names. These file names are relative to any of the directories in db.profilePath. Usually, you should keep whatever gavo init has come up with and hence not change anything here. The profiles contain a specification of the access to the database in (unfortunately yet another, but simple) language. Each line in such a profile is either a comment (starting with #), an assignment (with "=") or an instruction (consisting of a command and arguments, separated by whitespace). Keywords available for assignment are * host -- the host the database resides on. Leave empty for a Unix socket connection. * port -- the port the database listens on. Leave empty for default 5432. * database -- the database your tables live in. * user -- the user through which the db is accessed. * password -- the password of user. There's just one command available, viz., * include -- read assignments and instructions from the profile given in the argument ``gavo init`` creates four profile files, ``dsn``, ``feed``, ``trustedquery``, and ``untrustedquery``. These are referred to in the default profiles section, and are basically required by the python code. Reference --------- You can get an up-to-date version of this by running ``gavo config``. .. BEGIN CONFIG REFERENCE refresh by going one line below this comment in vi and saying :.,/^.. END CONFIG REFERENCE/-1!gavo config Section [general] ''''''''''''''''' Paths and other general settings. * cacheDir: path relative to rootDir; defaults to 'cache' -- Path to the DC's persistent scratch space * configDir: path relative to rootDir; defaults to 'etc' -- Path to the DC's non-ini configuration (e.g., DB profiles) * defaultProfileName: string; defaults to 'admin' -- Default profile name (used to construct system entities) * gavoGroup: string; defaults to 'gavo' -- Name of the unix group that administers the DC * group: string; defaults to 'gavo' -- Name of the group that may write into the log directory * inputsDir: path relative to rootDir; defaults to 'inputs' -- Path to the DC's data holdings * logDir: path relative to rootDir; defaults to 'logs' -- Path to the DC's logs (should be local) * logLevel: value from the list info, debug, warning, error; defaults to 'info' -- Verboseness of importer * operator: string; defaults to '' -- Mail address of the DC's operator(s). * platform: string; defaults to '' -- Platform string (can be empty if inputsDir is only accessed by identical machines) * rootDir: string; defaults to '/var/gavo' -- Path to the root of the DC file (all other paths may be relative to this * stateDir: path relative to rootDir; defaults to 'state' -- Path to the DC's state information (last imported,...) * tempDir: path relative to rootDir; defaults to 'tmp' -- Path to the DC's scratch space (should be local) * uwsWD: path relative to rootDir; defaults to 'state/uwsjobs' -- Directory to keep uws jobs in. This may need lots of space if your users do large queries * webDir: path relative to rootDir; defaults to 'web' -- Path to the DC's web related data (docs, css, js, templates...) * xsdclasspath: shell-type path; defaults to 'None' -- Classpath necessary to validate XSD using an xsdval java class. You want GAVO's VO schemata collection for this. Section [adql] '''''''''''''' Settings concerning the built-in ADQL core * webDefaultLimit: integer; defaults to '2000' -- Default match limit for ADQL queries via a web form Section [async] ''''''''''''''' Settings concerning TAP, UWS, and friends * csvDialect: string; defaults to 'excel' -- CSV dialect as defined by the python csv module used when writing CSV files. * defaultExecTime: integer; defaults to '3600' -- Default timeout for UWS jobs, in seconds * defaultExecTimeSync: integer; defaults to '60' -- Default timeout for synchronous UWS jobs, in seconds * defaultLifetime: integer; defaults to '172800' -- Default time to destruction for UWS jobs, in seconds * defaultMAXREC: integer; defaults to '2000' -- Default match limit for ADQL queries via the UWS/TAP * hardMAXREC: integer; defaults to '20000000' -- Default match limit for ADQL queries via the UWS/TAP Section [db] '''''''''''' Settings concerning database access. * adqlRoles: set of strings; defaults to 'untrusted' -- Name(s) of DB roles that get access to tables opened for ADQL * defaultLimit: integer; defaults to '100' -- Default match limit for DB queries * interface: string; defaults to 'psycopg2' -- Don't change * maintainers: set of strings; defaults to 'gavoadmin' -- Name(s) of DB roles that should have full access to gavoimp-created tables by default * msgEncoding: string; defaults to 'utf-8' -- Encoding of the messages coming from the database * profilePath: shell-type path; defaults to ' ~/.gavo:$configDir' -- Path for locating DB profiles * queryRoles: set of strings; defaults to 'gavo' -- Name(s) of DB roles that should be able to read gavoimp-created tables by default Section [ivoa] '''''''''''''' The interface to the Greater VO. * authority: string; defaults to 'x-unregistred' -- The authority id for this DC * dalDefaultLimit: integer; defaults to '10000' -- Default match limit on DAL queries * dalHardLimit: integer; defaults to '10000000' -- Hard match limit on DAL queries Magic Section [profiles] '''''''''''''''''''''''' Mapping of DC profiles to profile definitions. The items in this section are all of type profile name. You can add keys as required. * admin: profile name; A name of a file in [db]profilePath * deploydb: profile name; A name of a file in [db]profilePath * trustedquery: profile name; A name of a file in [db]profilePath * untrustedquery: profile name; A name of a file in [db]profilePath Section [ui] '''''''''''' Settings concerning the local user interface * outputEncoding: string; defaults to 'iso-8859-1' -- Encoding for system messages. This should match what your terminal emulator is set to Section [web] ''''''''''''' Settings related to serving content to the web. * adminpasswd: string; defaults to '' -- Password for online administration, leave empty to disable * adsMirror: string; defaults to 'http://ads.ari.uni-heidelberg.de' -- Root URL of ADS mirror to be used * bindAddress: string; defaults to '' -- Interface to bind to * enableTests: boolean; defaults to 'False' -- Enable test pages (don't if you don't know why) * favicon: path relative to webDir; defaults to 'None' -- Webdir-relative path to a favicon * graphicMimes: list of strings; defaults to 'image/fits,image/jpeg' -- MIME types considered as graphics (for SIAP, mostly) * maxPreviewWidth: integer; defaults to '300' -- Hard limit for the width of previews (necessary because previews on protected items are free) * maxUploadSize: integer; defaults to '20000000' -- Maximal size of file uploads in bytes. * nevowRoot: path fragment; defaults to '/' -- Path fragment to the server's root for operation off the server's root * previewCache: path relative to webDir; defaults to 'previewcache' -- Webdir-relative directory to store cached previews in * realm: string; defaults to 'Gavo' -- Authentication realm to be used (currently, only one, server-wide, is supported) * serverPort: integer; defaults to '8080' -- Port to bind the server to * serverURL: string; defaults to 'http://localhost:8080' -- URL fragment used to qualify relative URLs where necessary * sitename: string; defaults to 'GAVO data center' -- A short name for your site * sqlTimeout: integer; defaults to '15' -- Default timeout for db queries via the web * templateDir: path relative to webDir; defaults to 'templates' -- webDir-relative location of global nevow templates * user: string; defaults to 'gavo' -- Run server as this user. * voplotCodeBase: URL fragment relative to the server's root; defaults to 'None' -- URL of the code base for VOPlot * voplotUserman: URL fragment relative to the server's root; defaults to 'static/voplot/docs/VOPlot_UserGuide_1_4.html' -- URL to the documentation of VOPlot .. END CONFIG REFERENCE Admin web interfaces ==================== Some operation on the data center can be done from its web interface. To use these features, you have to set the ``[web] adminpasswd`` configuration item. You can then use the "Log in" link in the side bar using ``gavoadmin`` as the user name. If you are logged in as gavoadmin, you should see an "Admin me"-link in the side bar of services. The page behind that link lets you block all services on the respective RD – where blocking means all requests are rejected until the RD is reloaded – and reload the RD. This is the recommended way to notify DaCHS that an RD has changed and needs re-reading. In the form, you can also set scheduled down times. This is for VOSI, an interface clients could use to figure out whether a service can reasonable be expected to work. Since there don't seem to be clients exploiting the VOSI endpoints for such purposes so far, you probably don't need to bother. You can directly access the administraion panel for an RD by accessing ``/seffe``, e.g , ``seffe/__system__/services``. There are several more or less introspective resources within DaCHS that do not need authentication. First, there's ``/browse``. That's a list of all RDs that have (ivo or local) published services or data in them. Links on the RDs lead to info pages on the RDs, in particular giving tables and services within the RD. robots.txt ---------- DaCHS answers to requests for robots.txt with a built-in resource that forbids to index URLs with ``/seffe`` and ``/login``. You may want to keep other pages out of indices. In particular, ``/browse`` will let robots find unpublished services. To exclude those, add a file ``robots.txt`` in your ``webDir`` (run ``gavo config webDir`` to find out where that is) and add lines like:: Disallow: /browse The built-in rules will be prepended to whatever you specify in your user robots.txt. For more information on what you can put into robots.txt, see `Robot exclusion standard`_ .. _Robot exclusion standard: http://www.robotstxt.org/orig.html Publication =========== To publish a resource, add a ``publish`` element to a ``service`` element or a ``register`` element to data or table elements. Both of these let you specify the sets the resources shall be published to. Unless you have specific application, only two sets are relevant: ``ivo_managed`` for publishing to the VO, and ``local`` for publishing to your data center's service roster. Other sets can be introduced and used for, e.g., specific sub-rosters. The ``publish`` element needs, in addition, a render attribute, giving a comma-separated list of renderers the publication is for. The various renderers are translated into capability element in the VO resource records. For example, a typical pattern could be:: This generates a capability each for the simple cone search and a browser-based interface; the browser-based interface is, in addition, listed in the local service roster. Once you have done this, run ``gavo pub ``. This causes all publishable items in the RD to be published. It also unpublishes everything that was published through the RD before and is no longer published. The running server is not automatically made aware of these changes. You need to either ``gavo serve reload`` or reload the RD published *and* the ``__system__/services`` RD using DaCHS' web interface.