Version 0.9.2 () * !Important!: Internal changes to the way mixins work cause the column sequence to change. In particular, as a consequence you must re-import all tables with non-trivial mixins. We are really sorry about that. Gavo upgrade will warn about tables it finds that need re-importing. * DaCHS can now produce JSON output (with certain not yet VO-standardised conventions) from TAP and other services. * TAP_SCHEMA type names are automatically updated to comply to recently established conventions. If you have tricked weird type names into TAP_SCHEMA (you'll know if you have), please ensure DaCHS hasn't messed it up. * DaCHS does not produce DataCollection registry records any more; they are all CatalogServices with (TAP) services exposing the data given as capabilities directly. * The generation of examples (formerly TAP examples) is not done completely differently. If you have material in __system/adqlexamples, you'll have to move it to etc/userconfig.rd (see doc or the tap renderer). * DaCHS now has a hard dependency on python-lxml (apt-get it if on Debian and not running from package, otherwise see Version 0.9.1 (2014-04-30) * New regression testing framework derived from a local hack we've had in the GAVO DC for a while now. Try it, it's your friend. See the * New framework for having operator-defined previews. Please have a look at for details. An unfortunate side effect is that all your cached previews are now invalid. Remove all files in (presumably) /var/gavo/web/previewCache. * Column selection for non-HTML now always includes all columns explicitely given in the output table (unless supressed by a displayHint). If you lie about types in your output table (e.g., declare string types for things that are really ints), you may now get errors on VOTable generation. Fix the types or have a noxml=true displayHint in these cases. * Removed the table attribute on ForeignKeys (that's been deprecated for more than a year now). Use the inTable attribute with an actual table reference instead. * Datalink support bumped to WD-2014-02-28 Version 0.9 (2013-12-13) * API CHANGE: If you have custom logic (i.e., phraseMakers) on string inputKeys with values, you'll now get back lists of strings by default. This will break your phraseMakers in that situation. Solution: Add multiplicity="single" to the inputKeys. * Change to latest VOUnit version. Many unit strings that previously appeared ok no longer are; in particular, exponentiation is now ** exclusively and no longer ^. You'll get warnings with gavo val. * Added support for Datalink for both cutout-like jobs and as a replacement for the tentative getData proposal. See the reference documentation for how to migrate from getData to Datalink. * No longer using sesame's SOAP interface (that's been shut down by now) * gavo mkboost now takes the id of the directGrammar rather than a pair of rd id and and table id. It can now also parse from fits binary tables directly. * Datalink prototype changed during development: the parameter is now called ID in conformance with the WD; what was pubdid in the datalink functions is now called pubDID; several other changes that only concern you if you're running datalink (chances are you're not) * Any resource using \standardPubDID or similar needs to be re-imported. As that stuff hasn't been there in the last release, this probably doesn't concern you either. Version 0.8.9 (2013-07-13) * We now officially require postgres >9.0. If this hurts you, tell us, this is mainly a convenience matter. * DaCHS now supports the new BINARY2 VOTable encoding * Internal rework of web-facing parameter processing. If you use custom condDescs, test those services throughly (though we've tried to maintain backwards compatibility) * TAP examples are now DALI compliant * There's now a facility to add custom columns to the ObsCore table. * SIAP processing rework. If you have SIAP services, you should probably re-import them, since the old SIAP processing sometimes was a bit too lenient. * SIAP and SCS now count as "PQL" renderers, as SSAP before. This means custom parameters created via buildFrom will allow range and list syntaxes as for SSAP. * Many minor updates, fixes, and compatibility improvements. * New root-tree.html template that you can optionally use as the root page; it provides some ajaxy alternative to the old root page. Version 0.8.4 (2012-12-17) * New gavo upgrade command -- run this after every svn update or other upgrade (Debian packages to that automatically), and you should not have to worry about schema changes. * SIAP and SSAP dateObs columns are now MJD. Unless you have custom web interfaces or feed the tables by some other means than the setMeta proc applys, you should not notice (after a gavo upgrade). If your SIAP/SSAP tables are part of any views except ivoa.obscore, drop those views before running gavo upgrade, and check those services after upgrading, anyway. Version 0.8 (2012-08-15) * The schema for the DaCHS-internal metadata tables changed. To adapt your database, run gavo imp --system //dc_tables (to fill the tables again, say gavo pub -ma, but you'll do so in the next step anyway) * There's now a table tap_schema.groups. To create it, say: gavo imp //tap createSchema Do not give --system here unless you already have the tap_schema.groups table; if you do give --system, the existing tables will be re-created and you will have to say gavo pub -ma to re-fill them. * The schema of the service list has changed again, and the changes require a republication of all services. After the update, run gavo imp --system //services gavo pub -ma * Some ADQL user-defined functions are now implemented as Postgres stored procedures. Say:: gavo imp //adql define those. * The UWS code now writes to the UWS tables with less privileges. To let it do that, you must update the privileges on all queue tables; in standard DaCHS, that's only the TAP table, so simply say: gavo imp -m //tap createJobTable * The organization running the dc is now configurable. If you are running the registry interface, you must now give authority.managingOrg, organization.title, organization.description, and organization.referenceURL in defaultmeta.txt. authority.managingOrg usually is ivo:///org. * The former readRoles and allRoles attribute of table and resource elements are now called readProfiles and allProfiles and contain profile names rather than DB roles. In the unlikely case you're using this feature, you'd have to change the RDs. * You can no longer map db profile "roles" to actual profile names in the gavorc [profiles] section. If you actually need this, try symbolic links to the profile files. Version 0.7 (2012-01-12) * Automatic dependency management for published resources (register and adql). You must run gavo imp --system //services upgrade_0.6.3_0.7 after the update. * UWS job representation in the database changed. You must remove all UWS jobs before upgrading. After upgrading, run gavo imp //uws upgrade_0.6.3_0.7 gavo imp --system //tap createJobTable You can ignore error messages during the first of those commands.