The following is an attempt to generate EBNF (of sorts) from the pyparsing grammar in It is automatically generated from the quick hack on This is the reason for the ugly sym things. In addition to the official STC-S document, we support equinoxes with FK4, FK5, and ECLIPTIC. [internal note: run python ~/projects/small/] _compoundGeoExprBinary ::= "Difference" "(" _compoundGeoOperand _compoundGeoOperand ")" _compoundGeoExprNary ::= sym0218 "(" _compoundGeoOperand _compoundGeoOperand { _compoundGeoOperand } ")" _compoundGeoExprUnary ::= "Not" sym0199 _compoundGeoOperand ")" _compoundGeoExpression ::= sym0204 _compoundGeoOperand ::= sym0201 | _compoundGeoExpression _spaceUnitWord ::= RE _timeUnitWord ::= RE atomicGeometry ::= sym0202 [ fillfactor ] frame [ refpos ] [ flavor ] { number } [ positionSpec ] [ spaceUnit ] [ sym0043 ] [ sym0139 ] [ sym0141 ] [ sym0302 ] [ velocityInterval ] dopplerdef ::= RE eqFrame ::= eqFrameName [ eqSpec ] eqFrameName ::= "FK5" | "FK4" | "ECLIPTIC" eqSpec ::= RE<[BJ][0-9]+([.][0-9]*)?> exactNumericLiteral ::= RE<[+-]?\d+(\.(\d+)?)?|[+-]?\.\d+> fillfactor ::= "fillfactor" number flavor ::= RE frame ::= eqFrame | "J2000" | "B1950" | "ICRS" | "GALACTIC" | "GALACTIC_I" | "GALACTIC_II" | "SUPER_GALACTIC" | "GEO_C" | "GEO_D" | "UNKNOWNFrame" isoTimeLiteral ::= RE<\d\d\d\d-?\d\d-?\d\d(T\d\d:?\d\d:?\d\d(\.\d*)?Z?)?> jdLiteral ::= "JD" exactNumericLiteral mjdLiteral ::= "MJD" exactNumericLiteral nakedTime ::= isoTimeLiteral | jdLiteral | mjdLiteral number ::= RE<(?i)([+-]?\d+(\.(\d+)?)?|[+-]?\.\d+)(E[+-]?\d+)?> position ::= "Position" frame [ refpos ] [ flavor ] [ { number } ] [ spaceUnit ] [ sym0043 ] [ sym0139 ] [ sym0141 ] [ sym0302 ] [ velocityInterval ] positionInterval ::= "PositionInterval" [ fillfactor ] frame [ refpos ] [ flavor ] { number } [ positionSpec ] [ spaceUnit ] [ sym0043 ] [ sym0139 ] [ sym0141 ] [ sym0302 ] [ velocityInterval ] positionSpec ::= "Position" [ { number } ] redshift ::= "Redshift" [ refpos ] [ redshiftType ] [ dopplerdef ] [ { number } ] [ redshiftUnit ] [ sym0043 ] [ sym0139 ] [ sym0302 ] redshiftInterval ::= "RedshiftInterval" [ fillfactor ] [ refpos ] [ redshiftType ] [ dopplerdef ] { number } [ redshiftSpec ] [ redshiftUnit ] [ sym0043 ] [ sym0139 ] [ sym0302 ] redshiftSpec ::= "Redshift" number redshiftSubPhrase ::= redshiftInterval | redshift redshiftType ::= RE redshiftUnit ::= "unit" sym0292 refpos ::= RE spaceSubPhrase ::= positionInterval | position | atomicGeometry | sym0193 | sym0228 | sym0233 spaceUnit ::= "unit" _spaceUnitWord { _spaceUnitWord } spectral ::= "Spectral" [ refpos ] [ { number } ] [ spectralUnit ] [ sym0043 ] [ sym0139 ] [ sym0302 ] spectralInterval ::= "SpectralInterval" [ fillfactor ] [ refpos ] { number } [ spectralSpec ] [ spectralUnit ] [ sym0043 ] [ sym0139 ] [ sym0302 ] spectralSpec ::= "Spectral" number spectralSubPhrase ::= spectralInterval | spectral spectralUnit ::= "unit" sym0256 startTime ::= "StartTime" [ fillfactor ] [ sym0019 ] [ refpos ] nakedTime [ sym0033 ] [ timeUnit ] [ sym0043 ] [ sym0139 ] [ sym0302 ] stcsPhrase ::= [ timeSubPhrase ] [ spaceSubPhrase ] [ spectralSubPhrase ] [ redshiftSubPhrase ] stopTime ::= "StopTime" [ fillfactor ] [ sym0019 ] [ refpos ] nakedTime [ sym0033 ] [ timeUnit ] [ sym0043 ] [ sym0139 ] [ sym0302 ] sym0019 ::= RE sym0033 ::= "Time" nakedTime sym0043 ::= "Error" number { number } sym0139 ::= "Resolution" number { number } sym0141 ::= "Size" number { number } sym0163 ::= _spaceUnitWord "/" _timeUnitWord sym0193 ::= "Not" [ fillfactor ] frame [ refpos ] [ flavor ] "(" _compoundGeoOperand ")" [ positionSpec ] [ spaceUnit ] [ sym0043 ] [ sym0139 ] [ sym0141 ] [ sym0302 ] [ velocityInterval ] sym0201 ::= sym0202 { number } sym0202 ::= "AllSky" | "Circle" | "Ellipse" | "Box" | "Polygon" | "Convex" sym0204 ::= _compoundGeoExprUnary | _compoundGeoExprBinary | _compoundGeoExprNary sym0218 ::= "Union" | "Intersection" sym0228 ::= "Difference" [ fillfactor ] frame [ refpos ] [ flavor ] "(" _compoundGeoOperand _compoundGeoOperand ")" [ positionSpec ] [ spaceUnit ] [ sym0043 ] [ sym0139 ] [ sym0141 ] [ sym0302 ] [ velocityInterval ] sym0233 ::= sym0218 [ fillfactor ] frame [ refpos ] [ flavor ] "(" _compoundGeoOperand _compoundGeoOperand { _compoundGeoOperand } ")" [ positionSpec ] [ spaceUnit ] [ sym0043 ] [ sym0139 ] [ sym0141 ] [ sym0302 ] [ velocityInterval ] sym0256 ::= RE sym0292 ::= sym0163 | "nil" sym0302 ::= "PixSize" number { number } time ::= "Time" [ sym0019 ] [ refpos ] [ nakedTime ] [ timeUnit ] [ sym0043 ] [ sym0139 ] [ sym0302 ] timeInterval ::= "TimeInterval" [ fillfactor ] [ sym0019 ] [ refpos ] { nakedTime } [ sym0033 ] [ timeUnit ] [ sym0043 ] [ sym0139 ] [ sym0302 ] timeSubPhrase ::= timeInterval | startTime | stopTime | time timeUnit ::= "unit" _timeUnitWord velocityInterval ::= "VelocityInterval" [ fillfactor ] { number } [ velocitySpec ] [ velocityUnit ] [ sym0043 ] [ sym0139 ] [ sym0302 ] velocitySpec ::= "Velocity" number { number } velocityUnit ::= "unit" _spaceUnitWord "/" _timeUnitWord { sym0163 }