============================================================== Generic installation instructions for GAVO python subpackages. ============================================================== This package is based on setuptools. For a global installation, say:: sudo python setup.py install or similar. Using setuptools for a direct installation should only be an emergency solution. Signed packages for debian stable in an apt repository are available. See http://vo.ari.uni-heidelberg.de/docs/DaCHS/install.html#adding-the-gavo-repository For a private installation, we recommend using a "virtual python". See http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EasyInstall#creating-a-virtual-python for details. Alternatively, follow these steps (bash shell):: cd # go to your home mkdir vpython # make a root for your private python installation # get a nifty script that sets your private python up wget http://peak.telecommunity.com/dist/virtual-python.py # run the thing python virtual-python.py --prefix=~/vpython # fix the path -- you may want to add this to your startup scripts # later export PATH=~/vpython/bin:$PATH cd gavoutils-0.3 # or the your source directory is called python setup.py install The setup script may download some components of EasyInstall. This is normal.