#!/bin/sh # Make a monolithic DaCHS distribution and put it on GAVO's software # distribution page. # This is probably not useful outside GAVO development. # Call this from the root of a repo checkout. DIST_SERVER=soft.g-vo.org SERVER_DIR=/var/www/soft/dist if [ ! -f setup.py ]; then echo "This must be called from the root of a repository checkout." exit 1 fi distVersion=`python setup.py --version` distName="gavodachs-${distVersion}.tar.gz" python setup.py sdist scp "dist/$distName" ${DIST_SERVER}:${SERVER_DIR} ssh $DIST_SERVER "ln -sf $SERVER_DIR/$distName $SERVER_DIR/gavodachs-latest.tar.gz" cp "dist/$distName" ~/gavo/tarballs/"gavodachs_$distVersion.orig.tar.gz"