XML Schema which can be used to validate replies to all OAI-PMH v2.0 requests. Herbert Van de Sompel, 2002-05-13. Validated with XML Spy v.4.3 on 2002-05-13. Validated with XSV on 2002-05-13. Added definition of protocolVersionType instead of using anonymous type. No change of function. Simeon Warner, 2004-03-29. Tightened definition of UTCdatetimeType to enforce the restriction to UTC Z notation. Simeon Warner, 2004-09-14. Corrected pattern matches for setSpecType and metedataPrefixType to agree with protocol specification. Simeon Warner, 2004-10-12. $Date: 2004/10/12 15:20:29 $ Define requestType, indicating the protocol request that led to the response. Element content is BASE-URL, attributes are arguments of protocol request, attribute-values are values of arguments of protocol request A record has a header, a metadata part, and an optional about container A header has a unique identifier, a datestamp, and setSpec(s) in case the item from which the record is disseminated belongs to set(s). the header can carry a deleted status indicating that the record is deleted. Metadata must be expressed in XML that complies with another XML Schema (namespace=#other). Metadata must be explicitly qualified in the response. Data "about" the record must be expressed in XML that is compliant with an XML Schema defined by a community. A resumptionToken may have 3 optional attributes and can be used in ListSets, ListIdentifiers, ListRecords responses. The descriptionType is used for the description element in Identify and for setDescription element in ListSets. Content must be compliant with an XML Schema defined by a community. Datestamps are to either day (type date) or to seconds granularity (type oai:UTCdateTimeZType)