VORegistry xs vg An extension to the core resource metadata (VOResource) for describing registries and authority IDs. a service that provides access to descriptions of resources. A registry is considered a publishing registry if it contains a capability element with xsi:type="vg:Harvest". It is considered a searchable registry if it contains a capability element with xsi:type="vg:Search". If true, this registry attempts to collect all resource records known to the IVOA. A registry typically collects everything by harvesting from all registries listed in the IVOA Registry of Registries. an authority identifier managed by the registry. Typically, this means the AuthorityIDs that originated (i.e. were first published by) this registry. Currently, only one registry can lay claim to an AuthorityID via this element at a time. an abstract capability that fixes the standardID to the IVOA ID for the Registry standard. See vr:Capability for documentation on inherited children. The capabilities of the Registry Harvest implementation. The largest number of records that the registry search method will return. A value greater than one implies that an OAI continuation token will be provided when the limit is reached. A value of zero or less indicates that there is no explicit limit and thus, continuation tokens are not supported. The capabilities of the Registry Search implementation. The largest number of records that the registry search method will return. A value of zero or less indicates that there is no explicit limit. the level of support provided for searching against metadata defined in a legal VOResource extension schema. A legal VOResource extension schema is one that imports and extends the VOResource core schema in compliance with the VOResource standard. the name of an optional advanced search protocol supported. Only one optional protocol is currently allowed (XQuery). It is assumed that the required protocols (simple keyword search and ADQL) are supported. Only searches against the core VOResource metadata are supported. Searches against some VOResource extension metadata are supported but not necessarily all that exist in the registry. Searches against all VOResource extension metadata contained in the registry are supported. the XQuery (http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/) protocol as defined in the VO Registry Interface standard. a description of the standard OAI PMH interface using HTTP (GET or POST) queries. the accessURL child element is the base URL for the OAI service as defined in section 3.1.1 of the OAI PMH standard. a description of the standard OAI PMH interface using a SOAP Web Service interface. the accessURL child element is the service port location URL for the OAI SOAP Web Service. a naming authority; an assertion of control over a namespace represented by an authority identifier. the organization that manages or owns this authority. In most cases, this will be the same as the Publisher.