1) HIP 154 = FK 1630 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). R.M. Catchpole et al. (1982, Royal Obs. Bull. No. 188, 5) claim from two measurements a variable radial velocity. Many more observations by W.I. Beavers and J.J. Eitter (1986, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 62, 147) favour a constant radial velocity. 2) HIP 301 = FK 905 Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1958, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 118, 609). Barbier-Brossat (1989) gives v_rad = +8 km/s (Field 17: -5 km/s). 3) HIP 377 = FK 1001 Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1961, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 123, 233). 4) HIP 560 = FK 1003 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 5) HIP 950 = FK 6 Radial velocity is variable according to J. Andersen and B. Nordstroem (1983, Astron. Astrophys. 122, 23). 6) HIP 1473 = FK 1005 Radial velocity is variable, but this is probably due to pulsation (E. Antonello et al., 1978, Astron. Astrophys. 66, 37). 7) HIP 1562 = FK 9 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1911: 63", 17 deg, 12.9 mag; af), C(1960: 109", 194 deg, 8.6 mag; nc). TYCHO gives for C(1991: 108", 192 deg, 10.64 mag) and indicates also nc. 8) HIP 1599 = FK 10 The faint companion (rho ~31", 10.34 mag) listed in the TYCHO Catalogue (ESA, 1997) is spurious and was caused by side-lobe interferences from the bright FK star (V. Makarov, 1999, private communication). 9) HIP 2006 = FK 1010 Probably not a visual binary according to S.W. Burnham (1906, General Catalogueof Double Stars). O. Struve (1878, Pulkova Obs. 9 (Object O_Sigma_8)) gave rho ~1" and m_B ~9. 10) HIP 2224 = FK 1012 Radial velocity is variable (e.g. R.K. Young, 1939, Publ. David Dunlap Obs. Toronto, Vol. 1, No. 3, p. 71; W.I. Beavers and J.J. Eitter, 1986, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 62, 147). 11) HIP 2381 = FK 14 Announced as a spectroscopic binary by W.S. Adams (1912, Astrophys. J. 35, 163 and Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 24, 129). Later observations (e.g. J. Andersen and B. Nordstroem (1983, Astron. Astrophys. 122, 23)) do not confirm such radial-velocity variations. Doubtful case, mainly because of the large rotational velocity v_rot sin(i) ~200 km/s. 12) HIP 2599 = FK 16 In spite of some reports on radial-velocity variations (e.g. BSC), the star is probably not a spectroscopic binary (M.M. Jarad et al., 1989, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 238, 1085). 13) HIP 2661 = FK 1013 Radial velocity is variable according to W.I. Beavers and J.J. Eitter (1986, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 62, 147). 14) HIP 2920 = FK 17 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. H. Sadsaoud et al. (1994, Astron. Astrophys. 287, 509) propose a close binary with a period of 11.53 days and an amplitude of a few km/s. The duplicity is doubtful. 15) HIP 3245 = FK 1015 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 16) HIP 3419 = FK 22 Radial velocity may be variable according to K.A. Murdoch et al. (1993, Astrophys. J. 413, 349). 17) HIP 3521 = FK 1017 Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1958, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 118, 609) and to W. Buscombe (1963, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 126, 29). 18) HIP 3781 = FK 31 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. Suspicion of variable radial velocity not supported by D.S. Evans et al. (1964, Royal Obs. Bull. No. 85). 19) HIP 3786 = FK 28 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1960: 113", 14 deg, 13.2 mag; nc). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 20) HIP 3909 = FK 30 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 21) HIP 4293 = FK 34 Sinzi (1972) indicates an optical companion. We were unable to identify such a star. 22) HIP 4577 = FK 35 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 23) HIP 4592 = FK 1024 Radial velocity is variable according to J. Andersen and B. Nordstroem (1983, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 52, 479). 24) HIP 4852 = FK 1026 Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe (1963, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 126, 29) and to P.A. Wayman (1961, Royal Obs. Bull. No. 36). 25) HIP 5364 = FK 40 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1908: 234", 305 deg, 10.3 mag; af). TYCHO gives for B(1991: 254", 305 deg, 10.78 mag). 26) HIP 5586 = FK 43 Radial velocity may be variable (W.W. Campbell, 1928, Publ. Lick Obs. 16, 15; G.H. Herbig and J.F. Spalding, 1955, Astrophys. J. 121, 118). 27) HIP 5626 = FK 41 Barbier-Brossat (1989) gives v_rad = +10 km/s (Field 17: +18 km/s). 28) HIP 5661 = FK 44 Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1958, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 118, 609) and to W. Buscombe (1963, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 126, 29). Delta Scuti star AI Scl. The pulsation explains the radial-velocity variations. 29) HIP 6061 = FK 1034 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 30) HIP 6193 = FK 45 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 31) HIP 6411 = FK 1035 Radial velocity is probably variable according to W.I. Beavers (1985, IAU Colloquium No. 88, p. 289). Later, W.I. Beavers and J.J. Eitter (1986, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 62, 147) consider the radial velocity as essentially constant. Sinzi (1972) claims that the star is an eclipsing binary. This information is probably spurious. 32) HIP 6537 = FK 47 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1925: 65", 57 deg, 14.8 mag; af). 33) HIP 6686 = FK 48 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1925: 132", 66 deg, 11.5 mag; af). Eclipsing binary with a possible period of 759 days. Radial velocity is variable according to BSC and WDS. 34) HIP 6732 = FK 1039 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 35) HIP 7083 = FK 1044 Radial velocity is possibly slightly variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1961, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 123, 233). 36) HIP 7513 = FK 1045 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1910: 114", 128 deg, 12.6 mag; af), C(1926: 291", 283 deg, 9. mag; af). The spectroscopic-binary orbit provided by H.A. Abt and S.G. Levy (1976, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 30, 273) is spurious, since this radial-velocity variation was not confirmed by A. Duquennoy and M. Mayor (1991, Astron. Astrophys. 248, 485). The star has probably three planets (R.P. Butler et al., 1997, Astrophys. J. 474, L115; G.W. Marcy et al., 1999, Bull. American Astron. Soc. 194, No. 14.02). 37) HIP 7941 = FK 58 Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1961, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 123, 233) and to P.A. Wayman (1961, Royal Obs. Bull. No. 36). 38) HIP 7943 = FK 1047 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 39) HIP 8102 = FK 59 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1940: 90", 215 deg, 13.1 mag; af). The radial velocity is constant (B. Campbell et al., 1988, Astrophys. J. 331, 902; G.A.H. Walker et al., 1995, Icarus 116, 359; A.P. Hatzes et al., 1996, J. Geophys. Research 101, 9285). 40) HIP 8387 = FK 1050 Radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, BSC, and Sinzi (1972). 41) HIP 8837 = FK 67 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). Radial velocity may be variable (H. Spencer Jones, 1928, Ann. Cape Obs. 10, part 8, 95). 42) HIP 8886 = FK 63 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 43) HIP 9505 = FK 1054 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 44) HIP 9598 = FK 70 Double-lined spectroscopic binary according to BSC. 45) HIP 9884 = FK 74 Probably not a spectroscopic binary in spite of earlier claims (W. Schaub, 1932, Z. f. Astrophys. 4, 35). 46) HIP 10155 = FK 1056 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 47) HIP 10320 = FK 78 Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1961, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 123, 233) or may be variable according to D.S. Evans et al. (1964, Royal Obs. Bull. No. 85). 48) HIP 10328 = FK 1057 The radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, BSC, and Sinzi (1972). 49) HIP 10440 = FK 1060 Suspicion of variable radial velocity (W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris, 1958, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 118, 609). 50) HIP 10602 = FK 82 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1985: 88", 223 deg, 9.0 mag; af). TYCHO gives for B(1991: 89", 223 deg, 9.73 mag). 51) HIP 10642 = FK 80 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 52) HIP 10670 = FK 79 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 53) HIP 10732 = FK 81 Radial velocity is variable according to GCRV and BSC. 54) HIP 10819 = FK 1063 Radial velocity is assumed to be variable by W.S. Adams (1912, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 24, 129), W.W. Campbell and J.H. Moore (1928, Publ. Lick Obs. 16, 27), W.E.Harper (1937, Publ. Dominion Astrophys. Obs. 7, 1), and BSC, but not by GCRV. Duplicity doubtful. 55) HIP 10993 = FK 1656 Double-lined spectroscopic binary according to J. Andersen and B. Nordstroem (1977, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 29, 309). More information is given by B. Nordstroem and J. Andersen (1985, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 61, 53). 56) HIP 11001 = FK 1065 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 57) HIP 11258 = FK 84 Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1958, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 118, 609). 58) HIP 11345 = FK 1066 Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972) and BSC, but not to GCRV. 59) HIP 11407 = FK 86 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 60) HIP 11486 = FK 1068 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 61) HIP 11698 = FK 1069 Radial velocity is variable (R. Woolley, G.A. Harding, 1965, Roy. Obs. Bull. No. 93; W.I. Beavers and J.J. Eitter, 1986, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 62, 147). 62) HIP 11783 = FK 1071 Radial velocity is variable according to J.Andersen and B. Nordstroem (1983, Astron. Astrophys. 122, 23). 63) HIP 12107 = FK 1074 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1912: 117", 123 deg, 13.3 mag; pc), C(1912: 146", 189 deg, 9.3 mag; pc). 64) HIP 12387 = FK 91 Radial velocity is variable (pulsating Beta Cephei star). Weak indications of binarity are discussed by M.C. Lane (1977, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 89, 905). 65) HIP 12768 = FK 1077 Radial velocity may be variable according to G. Burki and M. Mayor (1983, Astron. Astrophys. 124, 256). 66) HIP 12770 = FK 97 Radial velocity may be variable (J.A. Morse, 1991, Astron. J. 101, 1495). 67) HIP 13327 = FK 1079 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 68) HIP 13717 = FK 1080 Radial velocity may be variable according to W.E. Harper (1937, Publ. Dominion Astrophys. Obs. 7, 1). HIP: goodness-of-fit parameter F2 = 3.51. 69) HIP 14117 = FK 1084 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 70) HIP 14135 = FK 107 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 71) HIP 14146 = FK 1085 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 72) HIP 14187 = FK 1086 Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe (1963, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 126, 29). 73) HIP 14354 = FK 109 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 74) HIP 14632 = FK 112 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1912: 146", 132 deg, 12.4 mag; oo). The motion of A is non-linear according to W.D. Heintz (1988, Astron. J. 96, 1072), who suggests an orbital period of 6.5 years. However, the rather low values of the test parameter F do not reveal a non-linear motion of A. In spite of earlier suspicions (BSC) is the radial velocity constant (H.A. Abt and S.G. Levy, 1976, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 30, 273; B. Campbell et al., 1988, Astrophys. J. 331, 902; G.A.H. Walker et al., 1995, Icarus 116, 359). 75) HIP 14677 = FK 1088 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 76) HIP 14838 = FK 114 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 77) HIP 14930 = FK 118 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 78) HIP 15110 = FK 1089 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 79) HIP 15201 = FK 1095 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 80) HIP 15265 = FK 1092 Radial velocity is variable according to B. Nordstroem and J. Andersen (1985, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 61, 53). 81) HIP 15457 = FK 1093 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1909: 269", 157 deg, 9.6 mag; af), C(BC: 1909: 215", 272 deg, 11.9 mag; oo). A. Duquennoy and M. Mayor (1991, Astron. Astrophys. 248, 485) suspected a radial-velocity variation. According to G.A.H. Walker et al. (1995, Icarus 116, 359), this variation may be connected to the chromospheric activity of the star. 82) HIP 15863 = FK 120 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1924: 167", 196 deg, 11.9 mag; nc, pc). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 83) HIP 15890 = FK 1096 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 84) HIP 16341 = FK 1097 Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972) or may be variable according to BSC, but not to GCRV. 85) HIP 16509 = FK 128 Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1958, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 118, 609). 86) HIP 16518 = FK 1098 Flag D in HIP Field H52, based on HIP photometry. This could be an indication of duplicity. Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 87) HIP 17304 = FK 133 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 88) HIP 17457 = FK 137 Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe (1963, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 126, 29). 89) HIP 17678 = FK 146 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 90) HIP 18170 = FK 1106 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 91) HIP 18217 = FK 1105 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 67", 88 deg, 9.95 mag; oo). Flag D in HIP Field H52, based on HIP photometry. This could be an indication of duplicity. 92) HIP 18614 = FK 148 Probably not a spectroscopic binary. Large variation in the radial velocity may be due to a stellar wind (B. Bohannan and C.D. Garmany, 1978, Astrophys. J. 223, 908). 93) HIP 18788 = FK 1111 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 94) HIP 18907 = FK 151 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 95) HIP 19038 = FK 1112 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1926: 138", 10 deg, 9.5 mag; hv), C(1923: 235", 213 deg; ~oo). 96) HIP 19095 = FK 153 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 97) HIP 19167 = FK 1113 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 98) HIP 19388 = FK 1115 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 99) HIP 19513 = FK 1116 Delta Scuti star IM Tau. The pulsation explains the observed radial-velocity variations (e.g. M.A. Smith, 1982, Astrophys. J. 254, 242). 100) HIP 19587 = FK 154 Delta Scuti star. The pulsation explains the observed radial-velocity variations. 101) HIP 19860 = FK 1118 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. HIP: percentage of rejected data F1 = 4%. 102) HIP 19893 = FK 157 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. Prototype of the Gamma-Doradus-class of variable stars. Probably a pulsating star (L.A. Balona et al., 1994, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 267, 103 and 270, 905). 103) HIP 20049 = FK 166 Radial velocity is variable (F.J. Neubauer, 1930, Lick Obs. Bull. 15, 46). Composite spectrum (K2-3III+A) according to G.T. Davidson et al. (1987, Astron. J. 94, 771). 104) HIP 20252 = FK 158 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1914: 110", 313 deg, 13.0 mag; oo). 105) HIP 20264 = FK 161 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 106) HIP 20384 = FK 163 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 86", 295 deg, 10.89 mag; oo). 107) HIP 20507 = FK 1120 Flag D in HIP Field H52, based on HIP photometry. This could be an indication of duplicity. Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 108) HIP 20884 = FK 1123 The radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, BSC, and Sinzi (1972). 109) HIP 20889 = FK 164 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1910: 182", 268 deg, 10.6 mag; oo). 110) HIP 20974 = FK 1122 Radial velocity is probably variable (D. Crampton and W. Morrison, 1979, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 91, 695). 111) HIP 21242 = FK 1124 3 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1914: 116", 198 deg, 6.8 mag; nc), C(1909: 104", 225 deg, 13.4 mag; oo), D(1909: 76", 354 deg, 12.1 mag; oo). B is HIP 21238 (1991: 120", 198 deg, 6.80 mag; hv). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 112) HIP 21743 = FK 1127 Radial velocity is variable (F.J. Neubauer, 1930, Lick Obs. Bull. 15, 46; H.A. Abt, 1970, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 19, 19). 113) HIP 21861 = FK 1130 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 114) HIP 21949 = FK 177 Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972) or may be variable according to BSC, but not to GCRV. 115) HIP 22361 = FK 173 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1914: 97", 60 deg, 12.0 mag; oo). TYCHO gives for another companion : (1991: 62", 206 deg, 11.06 mag; oo). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 116) HIP 22449 = FK 1134 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1924: 90", 143 deg, 8.8 mag; af). TYCHO gives B(1991: 76", 163 deg, 10.57 mag). A is a spectroscopic binary according to WDS (SB) and BSC (SB2). However, H.A. Abt and S.G. Levy (1976, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 30, 273) and A. Duquennoy and M. Mayor (1991, Astron. Astrophys. 248, 485) do not find variations in the radial velocity. 117) HIP 22453 = FK 1133 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 118) HIP 22565 = FK 1135 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1963: 177", 302 deg, 10.4 mag; nc). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. Delta Scuti star V480 Tau. The pulsation explains the radial-velocity variations. 119) HIP 23522 = FK 182 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1976: 83", 209 deg, 7.4 mag; pc, hv), C(BC: 1919: 15", 168 deg, 12.4 mag). TYCHO gives for B(1991: 83", 209 deg, 7.39 mag). 120) HIP 23607 = FK 1140 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 121) HIP 23767 = FK 185 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. K. Kodaira (1971, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 23, 159) suspected an orbital period of about 24 days. H.A. Abt and S.G. Levy (1978, Astrophys. J. Suppl Ser. 36, 241) did not confirm the binarity of this object. 122) HIP 23875 = FK 188 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1908: 117", 142 deg, 10.9 mag; af). Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972). 123) HIP 23972 = FK 190 Beta Cephei star. Radial velocity is variable according to H.A. Abt and S.G. Levy (1978, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 36, 241). C.T. Bolton (1982, IAU Symp. 98, 181) explains the radial-velocity variations by pulsation of Lambda Eri. 124) HIP 24372 = FK 196 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 125) HIP 24659 = FK 197 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 126) HIP 24813 = FK 1145 7 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1900: 29", 274 deg, 13.4 mag; af), C(1934: 42", 268 deg, 12.1 mag; af), D(1921: 147", 2 deg, 8.6 mag; af), E(DE: 1914: 146", 112 deg, 9.9 mag; unclear), F(1921: 93", 211 deg, 11.1 mag; af), G(EG: 1893: 33", 218 deg, 10.9 mag; af), H(EH: 1914: 147", 119 deg, 10.7 mag; af). INCA gives B(106", 310 deg, 13.4 mag), C( 87", 299 deg, 12.1 mag), D(202", 350 deg, 8.6 mag), E(DE: 145", 113 deg, 9.9 mag), F( 93", 253 deg, 11.1 mag), G(EG: 33", 216 deg, 10.9 mag), H(EH: 147", 119 deg, 10.7 mag). At present, all the companions have a separation rho with respect to A of more than 60". 127) HIP 25336 = FK 201 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1909: 180", 144 deg, 12.2 mag; nc, hv). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 128) HIP 25769 = FK 203 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 66", 130 deg, 9.14 mag; pc). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 129) HIP 25911 = FK 1637 The radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, BSC, and Sinzi (1972). 130) HIP 25973 = FK 1150 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 131) HIP 26311 = FK 210 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1908: 180", 57 deg, 10.5 mag; pc). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. While H. Levato et al. (1988, Astrophys. J. Suppl Ser. 68, 319) tend to confirm the radial-velocity variations, the measurements by M.M. Jarad et al. (1989, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 238, 1085) favour a constant radial velocity. 132) HIP 26638 = FK 205 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 133) HIP 27288 = FK 219 Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972) or may be variable according to BSC. 134) HIP 27366 = FK 220 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. Beta Cephei star. 135) HIP 27621 = FK 1159 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 90", 294 deg, 10.26 mag; oo). 136) HIP 27628 = FK 223 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 137) HIP 27949 = FK 1157 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 138) HIP 28532 = FK 1638 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 139) HIP 28814 = FK 230 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 140) HIP 28899 = FK 1164 Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1958, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 118, 609). 141) HIP 29134 = FK 1166 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 142) HIP 29490 = FK 233 The radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, BSC, and Sinzi (1972). 143) HIP 29997 = FK 234 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 144) HIP 30324 = FK 243 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1908: 186", 340 deg, 9.8 mag; nc, pc). Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972) and BSC, but not to GCRV. Beta Cephei star. 145) HIP 30343 = FK 241 3 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1899: 122", 141 deg, 9.8 mag; nc, hv), C(BC: 1939: 1", 260 deg, 10.7 mag), D(1880: 73", 77 deg, 11.5 mag; oo). Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 146) HIP 30438 = FK 245 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). Radial velocity is possibly slightly variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1961, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 123, 233). 147) HIP 30457 = FK 1171 Radial velocity may be variable according to T.G. Barnes et al. (1986, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 98, 223). 148) HIP 30520 = FK 242 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC and may be variable according to W.I. Beavers and J.J. Eitter (1986, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 62, 147). 149) HIP 30678 = FK 1662 Radial velocity may be variable according to J. Andersen and B. Nordstroem (1983, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 52, 471). 150) HIP 30772 = FK 246 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1908: 77", 257 deg, 9.2 mag; nc, pc), C(1908: 81", 231 deg, 9.2 mag; nc, pc). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 151) HIP 31278 = FK 1175 Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972) and BSC, but not to GCRV. 152) HIP 31676 = FK 247 3 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1923: 161", 79 deg, 9.1 mag; af), C(1904: 374", 95 deg, 7.0 mag; pc), Q(BQ: 1907: 71", 253 deg, 12.8 mag; oo). 153) HIP 31685 = FK 252 Radial velocity is variable according to W.H. Wright (1911, Publ. Lick Obs. 9, 71) and D. Baade (1989, Astron. Astrophys. 222, 200). Duplicity doubtful, mainly because of v_rot sin(i) = 225 km/s. 154) HIP 31897 = FK 264 Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1961, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 123, 233). 155) HIP 32246 = FK 254 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1982: 111", 94 deg, 9.2 mag; pc). TYCHO gives for B(1991: 110", 95 deg, 9.64 mag). The proper motions of A and B differ only slightly, but A is rather distant (r_H = 277 pc). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 156) HIP 32362 = FK 256 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 157) HIP 32537 = FK 1178 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1920: 65", 299 deg, 11.1 mag; nc:). 158) HIP 32562 = FK 1176 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC and may be variable according to W.I. Beavers and J.J. Eitter (1986, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 62, 147). 159) HIP 33018 = FK 261 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1922: 78", 322 deg, 12.6 mag; ~oo), C(1922: 102", 185 deg, 12.7 mag; ~oo). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC and WDS, but not to GCRV. 160) HIP 33104 = FK 259 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 161) HIP 33160 = FK 266 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 162) HIP 33694 = FK 260 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 163) HIP 33977 = FK 270 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 164) HIP 34045 = FK 271 Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1961, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 123, 233). 165) HIP 34088 = FK 269 4 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1984: 87", 84 deg, 10.5 mag; pc), C(1984: 100", 348 deg, 7.6 mag; pc), P(1984: 70", 352 deg, 12.0 mag; pc), R(CR: 1908: 27", 166 deg, 12.9 mag; oo). TYCHO gives for C(1991: 100", 348 deg, 7.58 mag). Cepheid. The pulsation explains radial-velocity variations. T.S. Jacobsen and G. Wallerstein (1982, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 94, 471) conclude that Zeta Gem is not a spectroscopic binary, since the gamma velocity of the center-of-mass of the star has been constant for 80 years. D.G. Turner and J. Fernie (1978, Inf. Bull. Variable Stars No. 1509) investigate the possibility that the component B (11.46 mag) is a physical companion of Zeta Gem. The separation of 87" between A and B corresponds to 0.16 pc at the distance of A. 166) HIP 34387 = FK 1185 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 167) HIP 34444 = FK 273 Some older reports on radial-velocity variations (C. Payne, The Stars of High Luminosity, New York and London, 1930, p. 302). Radial velocity is constant according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1961, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 123, 233). 168) HIP 34752 = FK 274 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 169) HIP 35228 = FK 281 Radial velocity is possibly slightly variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1961, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 123, 233). 170) HIP 35341 = FK 276 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 171) HIP 35904 = FK 283 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1909: 179", 285 deg, 6.9 mag; nc, pc). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 172) HIP 35907 = FK 1191 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 173) HIP 36046 = FK 282 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 174) HIP 36795 = FK 288 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 83", 285 deg, 10.34 mag; oo). 175) HIP 36942 = FK 1198 The radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, BSC, and Sinzi (1972). 176) HIP 37036 = FK 1197 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. Beta Cephei star. 177) HIP 37391 = FK 909 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 178) HIP 37891 = FK 1202 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 179) HIP 37921 = FK 1201 Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972) and BSC, but not to GCRV. 180) HIP 37946 = FK 1199 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 181) HIP 38373 = FK 1205 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 182) HIP 38848 = FK 1208 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 104", 168 deg, 10.44 mag; oo). 183) HIP 39117 = FK 300 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 184) HIP 39191 = FK 1211 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 185) HIP 39326 = FK 1213 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 186) HIP 39429 = FK 306 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 187) HIP 40215 = FK 1215 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 188) HIP 40259 = FK 311 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 189) HIP 40559 = FK 1639 The radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, BSC, and Sinzi (1972). 190) HIP 40793 = FK 310 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 191) HIP 40843 = FK 1217 Radial velocity may be variable according to H.A. Abt and S.G. Levy (1976, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 30, 273) and is probably variable according to A. Duquennoy and M. Mayor (1991, Astron. Astrophys. 248, 485). 192) HIP 41307 = FK 316 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 193) HIP 41578 = FK 1222 The radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, BSC, and Sinzi (1972). 194) HIP 41935 = FK 320 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 195) HIP 42313 = FK 1223 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1909: 244", 312 deg, 10.4 mag; nc). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC and WDS. 196) HIP 42452 = FK 323 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 197) HIP 42484 = FK 322 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 198) HIP 42637 = FK 331 Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1961, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 123, 233). 199) HIP 42806 = FK 1228 3 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1984: 112", 67 deg, 8.7 mag; nc), P(1908: 103", 258 deg, 12.4 mag; oo), Q(BQ: 1908: 95", 102 deg, 12.9 mag; oo). TYCHO gives for B(1991: 114", 66 deg, 10.20 mag). Radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, BSC, WDS, and Sinzi (1972). 200) HIP 42828 = FK 327 2 companions in TYCHO: B(1991: 107", 356 deg, 8.05 mag; oo), C(1991: 112", 151 deg, 10.78 mag; oo). Radial velocity is variable according to C. Sterken and D. vander Linden (1983, Inf. Bull. Variable Stars No. 2330). They estimate a probable period of about 5 hours. 201) HIP 43305 = FK 1230 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 202) HIP 43798 = FK 1231 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1918: 66", 146 deg, 7.1 mag; nc). B is HIP 43800 (1991: 65", 150 deg, 7.06 mag; nc, hv). 203) HIP 44356 = FK 1235 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 204) HIP 44382 = FK 343 Radial velocity is variable according to GCRV and BSC. Double-lined spectroscopic binary according to R.M. Catchpole et al. (1982, Royal Obs. Bull. No. 188, 5). 205) HIP 44390 = FK 338 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 206) HIP 44504 = FK 340 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 207) HIP 44936 = FK 1240 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 208) HIP 45158 = FK 1242 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 209) HIP 45238 = FK 348 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 210) HIP 45290 = FK 346 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 211) HIP 45421 = FK 1640 Radial velocity is variable (R.E. Wilson and A.H. Joy, 1952, Astrophys. J. 115, 157; H.A. Abt, 1969, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 19, 387). BSC gives SB2. 212) HIP 45902 = FK 1243 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 213) HIP 46221 = FK 1245 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 74", 182 deg, 10.00 mag; oo). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 214) HIP 46390 = FK 354 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1900: 284", 153 deg, 9.7 mag; nc), C(1783: 210"; oo). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 215) HIP 46515 = FK 356 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 216) HIP 46952 = FK 360 Interferometric observations by P.W. Merrill (1922, Astrophys. J. 56, 40) indicated possibly a binary star. However, the object was not resolved by speckle observations (H. McAlister, 1978, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 90, 288; W.I. Hartkopf and H.A. McAlister, 1984, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 96, 105). 217) HIP 47199 = FK 1248 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 102", 93 deg, 8.92 mag; oo). 218) HIP 47310 = FK 1249 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 219) HIP 47431 = FK 1250 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 220) HIP 47452 = FK 364 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 221) HIP 47594 = FK 363 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. HIP: goodness-of-fit parameter F2 = 4.03. 222) HIP 47723 = FK 1252 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1909: 282", 138 deg, 10.9 mag; pc). 223) HIP 47854 = FK 1254 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). Cepheid. This explains the observed radial-velocity variations. 224) HIP 47908 = FK 367 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 225) HIP 47909 = FK 1253 Probably a spectroscopic binary according to D. Crampton and W. Morrison (1979, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 91, 695). 226) HIP 48341 = FK 370 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 227) HIP 48615 = FK 373 Radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, BSC, and Sinzi (1972). 228) HIP 49339 = FK 1260 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 229) HIP 49402 = FK 1261 Radial velocity is variable (O. Struve, 1925, Astrophys. J. 62, 434; R. Woolley et al., 1981, Roy. Obs. Ann. No. 14, p. 5). BSC gives SB2. 230) HIP 50099 = FK 385 Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1960, Monthly. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 121, 263). 231) HIP 50191 = FK 382 Radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, BSC, and Sinzi (1972). 232) HIP 50335 = FK 384 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1925: 326", 340 deg, 5.9 mag; nc, pc). B is HIP 50319 (1991: 332", 338 deg, 5.95 mag; nc, hv). Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972), BSC, and WDS, but not to GCRV. Barbier-Brossat (1989) gives v_rad = -20.6 km/s (Field 17: -15.6 km/s). 233) HIP 50414 = FK 1263 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 119", 230 deg, 11.15 mag; oo). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 234) HIP 50448 = FK 1262 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 235) HIP 50684 = FK 1266 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. Beta Cephei star. The pulsation explains the radial-velocity variations. 236) HIP 50860 = FK 1267 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 237) HIP 50954 = FK 391 Radial velocity is variable according to GCRV and BSC. D.S. Evans et al. (1959, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 119, 638) doubt this. 238) HIP 51172 = FK 392 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 239) HIP 51362 = FK 1270 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 240) HIP 51399 = FK 1271 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1924: 131", 226 deg, 8.3 mag; nc, pc). B is HIP 51390 (1991: 134", 226 deg, 8.10 mag; nc, hv). 241) HIP 51585 = FK 1272 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 242) HIP 51814 = FK 398 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 243) HIP 52098 = FK 1275 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 244) HIP 52316 = FK 404 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 245) HIP 52457 = FK 405 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 246) HIP 52638 = FK 407 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1960: 198", 174 deg, 8.2 mag; nc, pc). B is HIP 52645 (1991: 197", 173 deg, 7.64 mag; nc, hv). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 247) HIP 52660 = FK 1278 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 248) HIP 52911 = FK 409 Radial velocity is variable ccording to BSC. 249) HIP 53229 = FK 412 Radial velocity is variable ccording to BSC. 250) HIP 53702 = FK 1664 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 115", 34 deg, 10.25 mag; oo). 251) HIP 53721 = FK 1282 The star has a planetary companion (R.P. Butler and G.W. Marcy, 1996, Astrophys. J. 464, L153). 252) HIP 53761 = FK 413 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 253) HIP 53910 = FK 416 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 254) HIP 54463 = FK 1289 Radial-velocity variations may be due to a Cepheid-like pulsation of this yellow supergiant V382 Car (L.A. Ballona, 1982, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 201, 105). 255) HIP 54725 = FK 1290 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 256) HIP 54872 = FK 422 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1924: 191", 344 deg, 8.6 mag; nc), P(1911: 95", 41 deg, 12.1 mag; nc). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 257) HIP 54879 = FK 423 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 258) HIP 55084 = FK 1292 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1923: 97", 289 deg, 8.5 mag; nc). TYCHO gives for B(1991: 89", 290 deg, 9.75 mag). Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972) or may be variable according to BSC, but not to GCRV. 259) HIP 55086 = FK 424 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 260) HIP 55282 = FK 426 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 261) HIP 55434 = FK 427 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 262) HIP 55781 = FK 1295 Radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, BSC, and Sinzi (1972). 263) HIP 55945 = FK 1297 3 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1985: 90", 180 deg, 8.1 mag; nc), C(BC: 1910: 107", 234 deg, 14.4 mag; pc), D(1875: 765", 92 deg, 10.0 mag; pc). TYCHO gives for B(1991: 89", 180 deg, 7.42 mag). 264) HIP 56343 = FK 434 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1928: 68", 149 deg, 10.7 mag; af). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 265) HIP 56633 = FK 1299 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 266) HIP 56997 = FK 1300 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1925: 158", 98 deg, 10.4 mag; af). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 267) HIP 57111 = FK 440 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 268) HIP 57380 = FK 1302 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 269) HIP 57399 = FK 441 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 270) HIP 57613 = FK 1305 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 271) HIP 57757 = FK 445 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1984: 305", 285 deg, 10.6 mag; af), C(1884: 512", 85 deg, 8.8 mag; oo). The absolute proper motions of A and C differ significantly. Radial velocity is constant according to G.A.H. Walker et al. (1995, Icarus 116, 359). 272) HIP 57939 = FK 1307 P. van de Kamp (1968, in: Low Luminosity Stars. Ed. S. Kumar. Gordon and Breach, New York, p. 199) reported a companion with a separation of rho ~1.7" on parallax plates. He considered the rarely seen companion to be a flare star. In 1968, C. Worley and W.D. Heintz carried out visual observations and noticed a companion with rho ~2". W.R. Beardsley et al. (1974, Astrophys. J. 194, 637) found evidence for orbital motion from radial-velocity variations and positional displacements on parallax plates. They obtained an orbital period of P = 60 years. R.F. Griffin (1984, Observatory 104, 192) did not confirm significant variations in the radial velocity. In a rediscussion of the binary nature of the object, W.D. Heintz (1984, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 96, 557) concluded that no evidence for orbital effects of the unconfirmed visual companion is found in the astrometric observations. The very high value of F_0(GC)H of 9.06 should not be taken as a firm confirmation of the binary nature of the object. Firstly, the proper-motion differences from the FK5/HIP comparison give much smaller values of F: The highest value is F_0F = 3.53, while the usually most sensitive quantity F_FH = 1.93 is not significantly different from a value expected for a single star. Secondly, F_0(GC)H is probably affected by an incorrect treatment of the foreshortening effect for this nearby high-proper motion star in the GC. This is indicated by the fact that the vector of Delta_mu_0(GC)H is anti-parallel to the vector of mu within a tolerance of less than 0.6 degrees. Such a nearly perfect alignment of Delta_mu and mu would be extremely improbable for a Delta_mu binary, but is fully consistent with a slight error in the foreshortening treatment in the GC, in which case we expect that Delta_mu is parallel or anti-parallel to mu. 273) HIP 58001 = FK 447 Probably not a spectroscopic binary according to S. Hubrig and G. Mathys (1994, Astron. Nachr. 315, 347). 274) HIP 58188 = FK 1309 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 275) HIP 58874 = FK 1642 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 276) HIP 58948 = FK 450 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 277) HIP 58952 = FK 451 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 278) HIP 59747 = FK 455 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 279) HIP 59774 = FK 456 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1923: 189", 73 deg, 10.0 mag; af), C(1907: 186", 125 deg, 11.6 mag; af). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. Beta Cephei star. The pulsation explains the radial-velocity variations. 280) HIP 59803 = FK 457 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 281) HIP 60122 = FK 1316 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 282) HIP 60172 = FK 1317 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1925: 132", 4 deg, 11.6 mag; nc). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 283) HIP 60646 = FK 461 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 284) HIP 60823 = FK 464 Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972) and BSC, but not to GCRV. 285) HIP 60957 = FK 466 Double-lined spectroscopic binary according to G. Hill et al. (1976, Mem. Roy. Astron. Soc. 82, 69). 286) HIP 61084 = FK 468 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1919: 111", 31 deg, 6.4 mag; af), C(1880: 155", 82 deg, 9.5 mag; oo). Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 287) HIP 61199 = FK 469 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. HIP: goodness-of-fit parameter F2 = 3.29. 288) HIP 61296 = FK 1321 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 289) HIP 61309 = FK 1322 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 290) HIP 61558 = FK 1324 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 291) HIP 61740 = FK 475 3 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1924: 174", 137 deg, 9.1 mag; nc), C(1924: 223", 110 deg, 10.4 mag; nc, pc), D(1924: 321", 331 deg, 9.1 mag; pc). D is HIP 61721 (1991: 321", 331 deg, 8.93 mag; nc, hv). 292) HIP 61916 = FK 1325 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 293) HIP 61960 = FK 1326 Radial velocity may be variable (e.g.: R.O. Gray, 1988, Astron. J. 95, 220). It is a Lambda Bootis star with v_rot sin(i) ~175 km/s. Not necessarily a spectroscopic binary. 294) HIP 62131 = FK 479 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 295) HIP 62223 = FK 1327 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). Radial velocity is slightly variable. This may be due to pulsation rather than to duplicity (C. Barnbaum and K.H. Hinkle, 1995, Astron. J. 110, 805). 296) HIP 62443 = FK 1330 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 297) HIP 62448 = FK 1329 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 298) HIP 62763 = FK 1332 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 299) HIP 62807 = FK 1333 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1960: 196", 51 deg, 6.9 mag; nc, pc), C(1910: 897", 262 deg, 8.9 mag; pc). B is HIP 62819 (1991: 196", 51 deg, 6.93 mag; nc, hv). C is HIP 62718 (1991: 905", 262 deg, 8.78 mag; nc, hv). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 300) HIP 62985 = FK 1335 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 301) HIP 63090 = FK 484 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1925: 165", 138 deg, 10.7 mag; af). Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). Radial velocity may be variable according to W.I. Beavers and J.J. Eitter (1986, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 62, 147). 302) HIP 63608 = FK 488 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1909: 249", 120 deg, 11.9 mag; nc). 303) HIP 63901 = FK 1337 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 304) HIP 64246 = FK 491 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1922: 284", 297 deg, 6.3 mag), C(BC: 1991: 1", 271 deg, 9.5 mag). B is HIP 64217 (279", 297 deg, 6.25 mag; nc, hv). Flag D in HIP Field H52, based on HIP photometry. This could be an indication of duplicity. Radial velocity may be variable, and the object shows probably a composite spectrum (G. Hill et al., 1976, Memoirs Roy. Astron. Soc. 82, 69). Barbier-Brossat (1989) gives v_rad = -16.4 km/s (Field 17: 0.0 km/s). 305) HIP 64394 = FK 492 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1924: 86", 238 deg, 10.1 mag; af). Radial velocity was supposed to be variable with a possible period of 5 years or more by H.A. Abt and S.G. Levy (1976, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 30, 273). Radial velocity is constant according to G.A.H. Walker et al. (1995, Icarus 116, 359). 306) HIP 64803 = FK 1342 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 307) HIP 64844 = FK 494 Delta Scuti star FM Vir. The radial-velocity variations are probably caused by pulsation (e.g. S. Yang and G.A.H. Walker, 1986, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 98, 862). 308) HIP 64852 = FK 1344 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 309) HIP 64924 = FK 1345 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1907: 232", 29 deg, 10.3 mag; af). Radial velocity is possibly variable according to according to B. Campbell et al. (1988, Astrophys. J. 331, 902) and is constant according to G.A.H. Walker et al. (1995, Icarus 116, 359). 310) HIP 64962 = FK 495 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1891: 138", 97 deg, 10. mag; nc). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 311) HIP 65581 = FK 1348 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 312) HIP 65721 = FK 1349 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1923: 285", 136 deg, 8.8 mag; nc), C(1923: 326", 263 deg; oo). B is HIP 65749 (1991: 270", 127 deg, 8.58 mag; nc, hv). The star has a planetary companion (G.W. Marcy and R.P. Butler, 1996, Astrophys. J. 464, L147). 313) HIP 66200 = FK 1351 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 314) HIP 66607 = FK 503 Double-lined spectroscopic binary according to J. Andersen and B. Nordstroem (1977, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 29, 309). 315) HIP 66753 = FK 1665 Radial velocity is variable according to F.J. Neubauer (1930, Lick Obs. Bull. 15, 47). 316) HIP 66803 = FK 1355 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 317) HIP 66878 = FK 1643 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 318) HIP 66925 = FK 1356 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 88", 30 deg, 10.22 mag; pc). Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972) and BSC, but not to GCRV. 319) HIP 67057 = FK 1357 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 320) HIP 67301 = FK 509 Spectroscopic binary according to K. Kodaira (1971, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 23, 159) with a period of P = 289.13 days. Not confirmed by H.A. Abt and S.G. Levy (1978, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 36, 241). 321) HIP 67481 = FK 1359 Radial velocity is possibly variable according to A.H. Batten (1976, Publ. Dominion Astrophys. Obs. 14, 367). 322) HIP 68269 = FK 515 Radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, BSC, and Sinzi (1972). 323) HIP 68390 = FK 1361 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 324) HIP 68478 = FK 517 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 325) HIP 68520 = FK 516 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1961: 81", 290 deg, 9.5 mag; nc), C(1960: 177", 353 deg, 12.5 mag; oo). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC and WDS, but not to GCRV. 326) HIP 68673 = FK 1364 Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972) and BSC, but not to GCRV. 327) HIP 68763 = FK 1365 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 102", 348 deg, 9.78 mag; oo). Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1961, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 123, 233). 328) HIP 68933 = FK 520 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1897: 70", 129 deg, 14.3 mag; oo). A faint companion (m ~8.0) with a separation of rho ~3", seen by J. Dunlop in 1826 and by the Harvard observers at Arequipa in 1891, is probably not real (R.T.A. Innes and D. Gill, 1899, Ann. Cape Obs. 2, part II; T.J.J. See, 1898, Astron. J. 18, 181). 329) HIP 69038 = FK 1368 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 330) HIP 69701 = FK 525 Deviations from a linear motion of the star as an indication for duplicity have been noted by H. Schwan during the construction of the FK5 and by L.V. Morrison et al. (1990, Astron. Astrophys. 240, 173) in a comparison of recent meridian-circle positions with the FK5 prediction. 331) HIP 69989 = FK 1372 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1922: 157", 217 deg, 10.2 mag; nc). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 332) HIP 70069 = FK 529 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 333) HIP 70400 = FK 1375 Radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, BSC, and Sinzi (1972). 334) HIP 70469 = FK 1376 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 335) HIP 70492 = FK 530 Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972) and BSC, but not to GCRV. 336) HIP 70574 = FK 1377 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1913: 158", 204 deg, 9.3 mag; nc, pc). 337) HIP 71040 = FK 536 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 338) HIP 71284 = FK 1380 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1924: 233", 83 deg, 9.8 mag; nc), C(1907: 237", 97 deg, 11.3 mag; af). Radial velocity is probably variable according to A. Duquennoy and M. Mayor (1991, Astron. Astrophys. 248, 485). 339) HIP 71352 = FK 537 Probably an eclipsing binary according to HIP. Composite spectrum and radial-velocity variations suggested a spectroscopic-binary nature of this object (e.g.: W.H. Wright, 1909, Lick Obs. Bull. 5, 176; A.J. Cannon and E.C. Pickering, 1920, Annals Astron. Obs. Harvard Coll. 95, especially p. 313). J. Dachs et al. (1986, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 63, 87) argue that the binary appearance is spurious and caused by other effects (Be-shell star). S. Stefl et al. (1995, Astron. Astrophys. 294, 135) conclude that the available data cannot exclude a contact binary with an 0.6-day orbital period. v_rot sin(i) ~ 350 km/s. T.J.J. See (1898, Astron. J. 18, 181) reported three observations of a visual companion in 1897 with rho ~6" and m_B ~14.8. No further observations are available. The object is removed from modern double-star catalogues (such as the WDS). Sinzi (1972) mentions a common-proper-motion companion, which we could not identify. Probably he had in mind the companion announced by See. 340) HIP 71618 = FK 540 Radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, BSC, and Sinzi (1972). 341) HIP 71837 = FK 1382 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 342) HIP 71957 = FK 545 Radial velocity is variable (W.W. Campbell, 1913, Lick Obs. Bull. 7, 113; H.A. Abt and S.G. Levy, 1976, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 30, 273). Abt and Levy (1976) give a probable orbital period of P ~358 days. 343) HIP 71995 = FK 1383 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). Radial velocity may be variable according to W.I. Beavers and J.J. Eitter (1986, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 62, 147). 344) HIP 72124 = FK 1384 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 345) HIP 72220 = FK 547 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 346) HIP 72469 = FK 1386 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 347) HIP 72573 = FK 1644 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 348) HIP 72607 = FK 550 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1908: 209", 342 deg, 11.4 mag; nc). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 349) HIP 72664 = FK 549 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 350) HIP 73087 = FK 551 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 351) HIP 73133 = FK 1390 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 352) HIP 73273 = FK 552 Radial velocity is variable according to H. Levato et al. (1987, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 64, 487). 353) HIP 73714 = FK 556 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 354) HIP 73909 = FK 1397 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 355) HIP 73996 = FK 1396 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1923: 106", 51 deg, 10.8 mag; nc), C(1923: 243", 40 deg, 9.9 mag; nc). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 356) HIP 74785 = FK 564 Radial velocity may be variable (D.B. McLaughlin, 1932, Publ. Obs. Univ. Michigan, Vol. IV, No. 2, p. 29). W. Buscombe and P.M. Kennedy (1965, Monthly Not. Royal Astron. Soc. 130, 281) list Beta Lib under stars with constant radial velocities. 357) HIP 74946 = FK 560 Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972) and BSC, but not to GCRV. 358) HIP 75097 = FK 569 Delta Scuti star. O. Struve (1923, Popular Astron. 31, 90) presented a spectroscopic-binary orbit for gamma UMi with an orbital period of about 0.11 days. This orbit is probably spurious. The radial-velocity variations are more probably due to pulsations or shell effects (e.g. H.F. Weaver, 1952, Astrophys. J. 116, 541). 359) HIP 75304 = FK 1403 Radial velocity is variable according to H. Levato et al. (1987, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 64, 487). 360) HIP 75342 = FK 1406 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 361) HIP 75458 = FK 571 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1909: 255", 50 deg, 9.2 mag; unclear). Separation rho corresponds to 0.04 pc, if A and B are at a common distance. 362) HIP 75730 = FK 1407 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 363) HIP 76440 = FK 574 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1918: 83", 218 deg, 9.5 mag; nc:). TYCHO gives for B(1991: 82", 220 deg, 9.32 mag). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 364) HIP 76534 = FK 580 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 365) HIP 76996 = FK 1666 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 66", 333 deg, 10.55 mag; oo). 366) HIP 77055 = FK 590 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 367) HIP 77277 = FK 587 Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972) and BSC, but not to GCRV. 368) HIP 77622 = FK 588 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 369) HIP 77655 = FK 1414 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1926: 135", 203 deg, 11.5 mag; nc). 370) HIP 78072 = FK 591 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1924: 220", 318 deg, 10.5 mag; af), C(BC: 1908: 177", 165 deg, 10.9 mag; oo). The separation of AC was 101" in 1908. Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 371) HIP 78180 = FK 595 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. Delta Scuti star CL Dra. The pulsation explains the radial-velocity variations. 372) HIP 78207 = FK 1417 Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972) or may be variable according to BSC, but not to GCRV. v_rot sin(i) ~400 km/s (R.W. Hanuschik, 1986, Astron. Astrophys. 166, 185). 373) HIP 78436 = FK 1420 Radial velocity may be variable according to P.C. Frisch (1987, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 65, 313). 374) HIP 79137 = FK 1422 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 375) HIP 79280 = FK 606 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 376) HIP 79593 = FK 603 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1908: 66", 295 deg, 13.4 mag; nc), C(1879: 266", 127 deg, 10.0 mag; oo). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. and may be variable according to T.G. Barnes et al. (1986, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 98, 223). HIP: percentage of rejected data F1 = 4%. 377) HIP 80047 = FK 1424 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1919: 103", 12 deg, 5.3 mag; pc), C(1919: 90", 74 deg, 12.5 mag; pc). B is HIP 80057 (1991: 103", 10 deg, 5.27 mag; hv). Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 378) HIP 80179 = FK 1427 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 379) HIP 80375 = FK 614 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 85", 116 deg, 9.60 mag; oo). HIP: percentage of rejected data F1 = 4%. 380) HIP 80650 = FK 619 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 381) HIP 80850 = FK 623 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 382) HIP 80911 = FK 1431 Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972) and BSC, but not to GCRV. 383) HIP 80991 = FK 1432 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 384) HIP 81065 = FK 611 In contrast to earlier claims (e.g., W.H. Wright, 1911, Publ. Lick Obs. 9, 71), the radial velocity does not seem to be variable (K.A. Murdoch et al., 1993, Astrophys. J. 413, 349). 385) HIP 81266 = FK 620 Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972) and BSC, but not to GCRV. Radial velocity may be variable according to H. Levato et al. (1987, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 64, 487). 386) HIP 81300 = FK 1433 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1910: 100", 245 deg, 13.4 mag; oo). Radial velocity may be variable or constant according to A. Young et al. (1987, Astrophys. J. 317, 787). 387) HIP 81377 = FK 622 Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1960, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 121, 263) and may be variable according to P.S. Conti et al. (1977, Astrophys. J. 214, 759). Barbier-Brossat (1989) gives v_rad = -9 km/s (Field 17: -15 km/s). 388) HIP 81833 = FK 626 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1901: 114", 262 deg, 12. mag; unclear), P(1879: 80", 260 deg; oo). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 389) HIP 82351 = FK 1437 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 390) HIP 82526 = FK 629 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 391) HIP 82587 = FK 1441 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1961: 71", 64 deg, 12.1 mag; af). 392) HIP 82673 = FK 1442 Radial velocity is variable (e.g.: W.W. Campbell, 1910, Lick Obs. Bull. 6, 57; R. Woolley et al., 1981, Roy. Obs. Ann. No. 14, p. 5). Lick Observatory reports spectra of two stars, but later observations do not confirm this. 393) HIP 83057 = FK 1444 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 394) HIP 83153 = FK 632 Sinzi (1972) indicates a common-proper-motion companion. We were unable to identify such a star. 395) HIP 83262 = FK 1445 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1923: 94", 69 deg, 9.8 mag; nc?). TYCHO gives for B(1991: 99", 68 deg, 9.64 mag). Flag D in HIP Field H52, based on HIP photometry. This could be an indication of duplicity. 396) HIP 83313 = FK 1446 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 397) HIP 83593 = FK 1448 Flag D in HIP Field H52, based on HIP photometry. This could be an indication of duplicity. 398) HIP 83613 = FK 635 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1924: 56", 309 deg, 10.9 mag; af). INCA gives B( 60", 307 deg, 10.9 mag). At present, the separation is probably slightly larger than 60". Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 399) HIP 83740 = FK 1447 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 112", 123 deg, 10.46; pc). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 400) HIP 83854 = FK 1449 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 401) HIP 83962 = FK 1450 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 402) HIP 84862 = FK 1456 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1983: 289", 338 deg, 9.7 mag; af), C(BC: 1911: 9", 216 deg, 12.9 mag). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. and may be variable according to T.G. Barnes et al. (1986, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 98, 223). 403) HIP 85379 = FK 650 Radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, BSC, and Sinzi (1972). 404) HIP 85696 = FK 649 Radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, BSC, and Sinzi (1972). 405) HIP 85760 = FK 1455 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 406) HIP 85805 = FK 659 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1960: 103", 344 deg, 11.4 mag; nc:). Radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, Sinzi (1972), BSC, and WDS. 407) HIP 85822 = FK 913 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 408) HIP 85888 = FK 1462 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 409) HIP 86670 = FK 660 Beta Cephei star. Radial velocity is variable (N.R. Lomb and R.R. Shobrook, 1975, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 173, 709). This may be due to pulsation (J.R. King and T. Liu, 1990, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 102, 328). 410) HIP 86736 = FK 1463 BSC classifies the star as a double star with a separation of 0.02" and a magnitude difference of 1.8, but remarks that the duplicity is uncertain. 411) HIP 86742 = FK 665 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 412) HIP 87072 = FK 1464 Cepheid X Sgr. This explains the observed radial-velocity variations. 413) HIP 87108 = FK 668 Proposed as spectroscopic binary by O.J. Lee (1910, Astrophys. J. 32, 300). Duplicity very uncertain according to E.B. Frost et al. (1929, Publ. Yerkes Obs. 7, 1). 414) HIP 87234 = FK 675 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 111", 57 deg, 10.50 mag; oo). 415) HIP 87289 = FK 1466 Radial velocity may be variable according to J. Andersen and B. Nordstroem (1983, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 52, 479). 416) HIP 87585 = FK 671 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1963: 316", 290 deg, 15.6 mag; oo). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 417) HIP 88258 = FK 1470 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 72", 222 deg, 11.19 mag; pc). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 418) HIP 88635 = FK 679 Radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, BSC, and Sinzi (1972). 419) HIP 89482 = FK 684 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 420) HIP 89605 = FK 1474 Radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, BSC, and Sinzi (1972). 421) HIP 89962 = FK 688 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1924: 180", 61 deg, 12.1 mag; af). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 422) HIP 90139 = FK 690 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1924: 226", 321 deg, 10.4 mag; af), P(1924: 145", 91 deg; oo). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 423) HIP 90422 = FK 691 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 424) HIP 90496 = FK 692 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 88", 186 deg, 9.84 mag; oo). 425) HIP 90595 = FK 696 Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972) or may be variable according to BSC, but not to GCRV. 426) HIP 90642 = FK 1480 W.H. Christie (1933, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 45, 190) presented a set of preliminary orbital elements for 60 Ser as a spectroscopic binary. H.A. Abt and S.G. Levy (1971, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 83, 687) found no convincing evidence for the duplicity of this object. 427) HIP 90647 = FK 700 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 428) HIP 90762 = FK 1481 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 429) HIP 90982 = FK 697 Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972) or may be variable according to BSC, but not to GCRV. 430) HIP 91262 = FK 699 4 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1947: 63", 173 deg, 9.5 mag; af), C(1899: 54", 285 deg, 11.0 mag; nc:), D(CD: 1897: 31", 35 deg; oo), E(1922: 118", 39 deg, 9.5 mag; nc). Present separation between A and C and between A and D probably larger than 60". Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. Delta Scuti star. 431) HIP 92041 = FK 1487 Radial velocity may be variable (O.J. Lee, 1910, Astrophys. J. 32, 300; W.W. Campbell and J.H. Moore, 1928, Lick. Obs. Bull. 16, 273). Probably indications for binarity during lunar occultations (1929-1933). R.H. Wilson (1950, Astron. J. 55, 153 and 1951, Astron. J. 56, 69) reported duplicity with rho ~0.2". The visual-binary nature was found to be spurious by W.H. van den Bos (1951, Journal des Obs. 34, 85) and by W.S. Finsen (1951, Astron. J. 56, 56). 432) HIP 92088 = FK 1488 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 433) HIP 92609 = FK 704 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1918: 63", 206 deg, 12.4 mag; pc). Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972) and BSC, but not to GCRV. 434) HIP 92855 = FK 706 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1838: 309", 244 deg, 9.5 mag; pc). Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972) and BSC, but not to GCRV. 435) HIP 92862 = FK 711 Semi-regular variable star R Lyr. Radial velocity is variable. Formerly interpreted as a triple stellar system (BSC). In reality, the radial-velocity variations are most probably due to pulsation (V.C. Cristian et al., 1995, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 107, 411; F. Kerschbaum et al., 1996, Astron. Astrophys. 311, 273). Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 436) HIP 92882 = FK 1495 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 67", 111 deg, 9.53 mag; oo). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 437) HIP 93148 = FK 708 Radial velocity is variable according to GCRV and W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1958, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 118, 609). 438) HIP 93805 = FK 717 Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972) and BSC, but not to GCRV. 439) HIP 93843 = FK 1498 Radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, BSC, and Sinzi (1972). 440) HIP 94376 = FK 723 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1907: 88", 352 deg, 12.4 mag; nc). 441) HIP 94385 = FK 1500 Radial velocity is probably variable according to H.A. Abt et al. (1990, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 74, 551). 442) HIP 94713 = FK 724 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1964: 100", 74 deg, 9.2 mag; nc, pc), C(1908: 101", 127 deg, 11.0 mag; pc). TYCHO gives for B(1991: 99", 70 deg, 10.14 mag). 443) HIP 94714 = FK 1499 Radial velocity is variable according to B. Nordstroem and J. Andersen (1985, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 61, 53). 444) HIP 94779 = FK 726 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 445) HIP 94834 = FK 725 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. HIP: percentage of rejected data F1 = 4%. 446) HIP 94986 = FK 1501 Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe (1963, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 126, 29). 447) HIP 95167 = FK 734 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 110", 182 deg, 10.48 mag; oo). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 448) HIP 95347 = FK 728 Radial velocity is variable according to GCRV and to W. Buscombe (1963, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 126, 29). 449) HIP 95447 = FK 1503 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1926: 99", 335 deg, 8.7 mag; af), C(1922: 114", 316 deg, 10.6 mag; af). TYCHO gives for B(1991: 96", 295 deg, 8.55 mag). Radial velocity is probably variable according to A. Duquennoy and M. Mayor (1991, Astron. Astrophys. 248, 485). 450) HIP 95619 = FK 731 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 451) HIP 95690 = FK 1504 3 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1985: 74", 240 deg, 8.3 mag; nc), C(BC: 1932: 8", 195 deg, 12.8 mag; nc), D(1873: 71", 96 deg, 11. mag; oo). TYCHO gives for B(1991: 74", 239 deg, 8.32 mag) and D(1991: 10.76 mag). BSC claims a common proper motion of A and B. This is unjustified, since B is a high-proper motion star (LTT 7685), while A has a small proper motion. 452) HIP 95771 = FK 1508 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1925: 414", 28 deg, 5.8 mag; af). B is HIP 95785 (1991: 423", 28 deg, 5.82 mag; nc, hv). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 453) HIP 95853 = FK 733 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 454) HIP 95937 = FK 1509 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 455) HIP 96052 = FK 1510 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 116", 203 deg, 10.90 mag; pc). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 456) HIP 96483 = FK 737 Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972) and BSC, but not to GCRV. 457) HIP 97278 = FK 741 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1908: 133", 258 deg, 10.8 mag; pc). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 458) HIP 97290 = FK 1517 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 459) HIP 97421 = FK 739 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 102", 333 deg, 9.49 mag; oo). Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1961, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 123, 233). 460) HIP 97804 = FK 746 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). Note in HIP photometry: Appears double from a comparison between AC and DC magnitudes. Cepheid. The pulsation explains the observed radial-velocity variations. N.R. Evans (1992, Astrophys. J. 384, 220) lists a 'photometric companion'. 461) HIP 97871 = FK 1519 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 462) HIP 98495 = FK 748 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 463) HIP 98688 = FK 753 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 464) HIP 99120 = FK 755 Radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, BSC, and Sinzi (1972). 465) HIP 99303 = FK 1525 2 companions in TYCHO: B(1991: 82", 122 deg, 9.37 mag; pc), C(1991: 104", 44 deg, 10.49; mag pc). Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972) or may be variable according to BSC, but not to GCRV. Barbier-Brossat (1989) gives v_rad = -7.9 km/s (Field 17: -13.6 km/s). 466) HIP 99655 = FK 758 Radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, BSC, and Sinzi (1972). 467) HIP 99742 = FK 1526 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 468) HIP 99951 = FK 760 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 469) HIP 100062 = FK 1529 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 470) HIP 100151 = FK 1528 Radial velocity may be variable (J. Andersen and B. Nordstroem, 1983, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 52, 479). 471) HIP 101067 = FK 1535 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 119", 282 deg, 10.49 mag; pc). 472) HIP 101076 = FK 1534 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 473) HIP 101101 = FK 1533 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 474) HIP 101134 = FK 1538 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 475) HIP 101421 = FK 768 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 476) HIP 101489 = FK 1537 Radial velocity is variable (J. Andersen and B. Nordstroem, 1983, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 52, 479). 477) HIP 101984 = FK 773 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 478) HIP 102014 = FK 1540 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 479) HIP 102098 = FK 777 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1925: 75", 106 deg, 11.7 mag; pc). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. HIP: percentage of rejected data F1 = 4%. 480) HIP 102208 = FK 915 Radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, BSC, and Sinzi (1972). 481) HIP 102333 = FK 776 The spectral type is variable (S. Malaroda, 1973, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 85, 328), but no indications of radial-velocity variations. 482) HIP 102485 = FK 779 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 483) HIP 102618 = FK 781 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 484) HIP 102624 = FK 1543 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 485) HIP 102770 = FK 1545 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 486) HIP 102978 = FK 1546 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 487) HIP 103200 = FK 786 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 102", 81 deg, 9.83 mag; pc). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 488) HIP 103460 = FK 1548 Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1958, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 118, 609). 489) HIP 103682 = FK 789 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 490) HIP 103882 = FK 790 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 100", 207 deg, 10.71 mag; oo). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 491) HIP 104105 = FK 795 Radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, BSC, and Sinzi (1972). Barbier-Brossat (1989) gives v_rad = -22.5 km/s (Field 17: -16 km/s). 492) HIP 104139 = FK 1552 BSC claims that the radial velocity is variable. However, the orbital elements (H.A. Abt, 1961, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 6, 37) given in the remarks of BSC refer to Theta Cep (instead of Theta Cap). Probably a misidentification in BSC and SIMBAD. 493) HIP 104189 = FK 1553 The radial velocity is variable according to J. Andersen and B. Nordstroem (1983, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 52, 479). 494) HIP 104755 = FK 1554 Radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, BSC, and Sinzi (1972). 495) HIP 105140 = FK 801 Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1961, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 123, 233) and to W. Buscombe (1963, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 126, 29). Barbier-Brossat (1989) gives v_rad = +7.2 km/s (Field 17: -1 km/s). 496) HIP 105199 = FK 803 3 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1908: 207", 22 deg, 10.4 mag; af), C(B(CD): 1908: 20", 172 deg, 11.1 mag; oo), D(CD: 1908: 3", 104 deg, 11.3 mag). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 497) HIP 105515 = FK 1561 According to HIP: eclipsing binary (type:EA) with a possible period of 4.1221 days. HIP does not confirm the period of 68.0 days obtained by G.L. Henry et al. (1995, Astron. J. 110, 2926) from their photometry. The radial velocity is constant according to G.L. Henry et al., who interpret the period of 68 days as the rotational period of the star indicated by stellar spots. 498) HIP 105858 = FK 805 Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972), but K.A. Murdoch et al. (1993, Astrophys. J. 413, 349) do not find any significant variations in the radial velocity. 499) HIP 106021 = FK 1564 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 500) HIP 106093 = FK 807 Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972) or may be variable according to BSC, but not to GCRV. 501) HIP 106429 = FK 1567 Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1958, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 118, 609). 502) HIP 106787 = FK 1570 Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972) or may be variable according to BSC, but not to GCRV. Barbier-Brossat (1989) gives v_rad = -35.8 km/s (Field 17: -25 km/s). 503) HIP 107315 = FK 815 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1961: 83", 324 deg, 12.7 mag; af), C(1914: 143", 321 deg, 8.9 mag; pc). Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 504) HIP 107418 = FK 1572 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 505) HIP 107445 = FK 1571 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 93", 22 deg, 10.70 mag; oo). 506) HIP 107517 = FK 818 Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1958, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 118, 609). 507) HIP 107575 = FK 1574 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 508) HIP 107649 = FK 1573 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1932: 55", 356 deg, 8.6 mag; nc). Tycho gives for B (1991: 73", 351 deg, 8.65 mag). 509) HIP 108022 = FK 823 Radial velocity may be variable according to E.B. Frost et al. (1926, Astrophys. J. 64, 1) and to H.A. Abt et al. (1990, Astrophys. J. 74, 551). K. Kodaira (1971, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 23, 159) determined a period of 17.79 days, but remarked that the scatter in many of the data is extraordinarily large. Duplicity uncertain. v_rot sin(i) ~150 km/s. 510) HIP 108036 = FK 1577 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. HIP: percentage of rejected data F1 = 4%. 511) HIP 109074 = FK 827 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1907: 113", 41 deg, 12.2 mag; pc). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. and to T.G. Barnes et al. (1986, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 98, 223). 512) HIP 109139 = FK 828 Double-lined spectroscopic binary (e.g.: E.B. Frost et al., 1926, Astrophys. J. 64, 1; W.W. Campbell and J.H. Moore, 1928, Publ. Lick Obs. 16, 321). 513) HIP 109400 = FK 837 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 514) HIP 109492 = FK 836 Suspected spectroscopic binary (e.g.: J. Moore, 1932, Publ. Lick Obs. 18, especially p. 212; K.C. Gordon, 1943, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 55, 100; G. Burki and M. Mayor, 1983, Astron. Astrophys. 124, 256). 515) HIP 110256 = FK 839 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 516) HIP 110386 = FK 843 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. Barbier-Brossat (1989) gives v_rad = +1 km/s (Field 17: +9.6 km/s). 517) HIP 110672 = FK 1585 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 518) HIP 110986 = FK 1588 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 519) HIP 110992 = FK 1589 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 520) HIP 111056 = FK 1593 Radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, BSC, and Sinzi (1972). 521) HIP 111196 = FK 1670 Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1958, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 118, 609). 522) HIP 111242 = FK 1594 Radial velocity is variable (e.g.: R. Woolley et al., 1981, Royal Obs. Ann. No. 14, p. 5). 523) HIP 111497 = FK 850 Radial velocity is variable according to Sinzi (1972) or may be variable according to BSC, but not to GCRV. 524) HIP 111532 = FK 851 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 525) HIP 111710 = FK 1595 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1926: 98", 248 deg, 8.8 mag; nc). Tycho gives for B (1991: 87", 250 deg, 11.14 mag). 526) HIP 111797 = FK 853 Radial velocity is variable according to GCRV, BSC, and Sinzi (1972). BSC gives SB2. 527) HIP 111841 = FK 852 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1975: 62", 49 deg, 10.0 mag; pc). TYCHO gives for B(1991: 62", 49 deg, 10.29 mag). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 528) HIP 112029 = FK 855 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1925: 62", 140 deg, 11.6 mag; nc), C(1880: 177", 5 deg, 11. mag; oo). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 529) HIP 112122 = FK 856 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). 530) HIP 112358 = FK 1596 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 531) HIP 112623 = FK 860 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 96", 68 deg, 10.52 mag; oo). Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1958, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 118, 609). 532) HIP 112716 = FK 861 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1963: 132", 296 deg, 9.8 mag; af). 533) HIP 113881 = FK 870 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1925: 109", 211 deg, 11.8 mag; af), C(1925: 253", 98 deg, 9.6 mag; af). Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 534) HIP 113963 = FK 871 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 535) HIP 114210 = FK 1604 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 536) HIP 114520 = FK 1606 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 537) HIP 114622 = FK 875 1 companion in CCDM+WDS: B(1922: 124", 218 deg, 9.4 mag; af). Radial velocity is constant according to G.A.H. Walker et al. (1995, Icarus 116, 359). 538) HIP 114971 = FK 878 Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 539) HIP 115250 = FK 880 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. Delta Scuti star. The pulsation explains the observed radial-velocity variations. 540) HIP 115280 = FK 1610 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1922: 122", 256 deg, 9.2 mag; af), C(BC: 1908: 156", 214 deg, 11.5 mag; oo). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 541) HIP 115438 = FK 1612 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 542) HIP 115590 = FK 882 3 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1918: 98", 225 deg, 7.8 mag; nc, pc), C(1918: 215", 258 deg, 8.7 mag; pc), D(CD: 1913: 9", 34 deg, 9.7 mag). TYCHO gives for B(1991: 96", 226 deg, 9.82 mag). 543) HIP 115591 = FK 1613 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 544) HIP 115713 = FK 883 Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1961, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 123, 233). 545) HIP 115738 = FK 884 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1950: 163", 344 deg, 11.9 mag; nc), C(BC: 1908: 76", 154 deg, 13.1 mag; oo). Radial velocity and spectrum are variable (e.g.: P. Galeotti and E. Lovera, 1972, Mem. Soc. Astron. Italiana 43, 759). 546) HIP 116354 = FK 1616 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 547) HIP 116602 = FK 889 Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1958, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 118, 609) and to W. Buscombe (1963, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 126, 29). Barbier-Brossat (1989) gives v_rad = +3.4 km/s (Field 17: +10 km/s). 548) HIP 116631 = FK 891 In spite of other claims (e.g. BSC), the radial velocity is probably constant (e.g. GCRV). v_rot sin(i) ~90 km/s. 549) HIP 116771 = FK 892 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1910: 70", 295 deg, 13.0 mag; af), C(1880: 281", 34 deg; oo). Radial velocity may be variable according to T.G. Barnes et al. (1986, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 98, 223). 550) HIP 116820 = FK 1618 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 97", 34 deg, 10.98 mag; oo). 551) HIP 116928 = FK 1620 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 552) HIP 117089 = FK 1621 Radial velocity is variable according to W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (1958, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 118, 609) and to D. Baade (1989, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 79, 423). v_rot sin(i) ~315 km/s. 553) HIP 117371 = FK 895 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 554) HIP 117375 = FK 1623 2 companions in CCDM+WDS: B(1919: 173", 285 deg, 10.0 mag; nc:), C(BC: 1912: 52", 278 deg, 12.9 mag; AC: pc). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 555) HIP 117488 = FK 1624 Radial velocity may be variable (J. Andersen and B. Nordstroem, 1983, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 52, 479). 556) HIP 117541 = FK 897 Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. 557) HIP 117718 = FK 898 Suspected by HIP to be double or multiple (Flag S in HIP Field H61). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 558) HIP 117863 = FK 899 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 93", 149 deg, 10.62 mag; pc). Radial velocity is variable according to BSC. G. Burki and M. Mayor (1983, Astron. Astrophys. 124, 256) classified the star as a possible spectroscopic binary. The spectrum is variable. Double lines in the spectrum of rho Cas are probably not due to binarity but caused by effects in the stellar atmosphere (W.P. Bidelman and A. McKellar, 1957, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 69, 31; D.L. Lambert et al., 1981, Astrophys. J. 248, 638). 559) HIP 118048 = FK 1628 1 companion in TYCHO: B(1991: 62", 0 deg, 10.13 mag; oo). Radial velocity may be variable according to BSC. 560) HIP 118268 = FK 902 The object was announced as a spectroscopic binary by H. Spencer-Jones (1928, Ann. Cape. Obs. 10, Part 8, p. 129). A preliminary orbital period of 2.158 days was given by W.R. Beardsley (1965, Astron. J. 70, 318). This was not confirmed by H.A. Abt and S.G. Levy (1976, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 30, 273). W.B. Lee et al. (1985, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 61, 363) found also no periodicity in the radial velocity and think that the variations, if existing, are not due to duplicity.